For Brooklyn NYC rising star Mike Woods “M Dot Mancini, is getting to record a song written by him. Biggest influences, superstar Neyo, Prince, Jay-Z, Stevie Wonder. “When Jay-Z was first trying to make it as a new artist, he was willing to take risks and try anything and I admire that.” M Dot Mancini describes his own music as fun and youthful while at the same time signifying deep meaning. “Hip Hop music is about stories. Some of those stories can be meaningful and still be fun. I never choose a song that I can’t relate to in some way, shape, or form. My music will always reflect who I am.” In addition to M Dot Mancini love for music, His producing and has also team up with some of Hip Hop Hottest and Rising Stars... M Dot Mancini career started with a just production on project for locate New York artist. Perhaps that’s because he had not yet learned how to express his inner feelings. But by his third year full time working for multiple artists, M Dot Mancini started working on the project of his Dreams. It was a rather sudden career shift, but he started writing it with such a passion as anyone today.
A MUST HAVE!! BREAK OUT STAR "M DoT Mancini" #1 HIT "RoCkStar WaSted" M.E.G/Island/DefJam Available ON #iTunes
Amira "Desert Storm" Bragg$ Money Muney "BR Vol. 3 Muney Talks" M DoT Mancini "So Far Ahead Of My Time" Album/DefJam/Island Records M DoT Mancini "Life On The A Train" Da Mixtape.... Seryne Music "TBD" A MUST HAVE!! BREAK OUT STAR "M DoT Mancini" #1 HIT "RoCkStar WaSted" M.E.G/Island/DefJam Available ON #iTunes
Indie Focus Published: October 16, 2010 M DoT Mancini – RockStar Wasted Share
M DoT Mancini – RockStar Wasted
New song from M DoT Mancini – RockStar Wasted
Download M DoT Mancini RockStar Wasted
Tell us about where you are from and how you got to this position today. I’m from Brooklyn NY, home of many great Hip Hop Legends and people that influence me. I got into music at a early age and loved it from day one. My Step Father was also a great musician and our bond was him passing his knowledge of how true art and music comes from the heart. He prepared for what to come and how to handle myself in this industry.
What are you currently working on and what can we expect to see? I’m currently working on my debut “Ahead Of My Time. It’s my first major release and it means a lot to me to make a great impression on my fans. You can expect great music, fun songs, and a real look into who M Dot Mancini is….
What is one of the most drastic changes you’ve made about yourself in the last year? My approach toward the business side of the music industry. I learn to always be prepare for the moment, because you never know when the next opportunity will come to get exposure or maybe make the right connection while networking.
Tell us about one of the hardest challenges you had to face in the industry? My hardest challenge I have faced wasn’t really a challenge at all. At first I wasn’t sure of myself and where I stand in the music industry. But once refocus, I knew i could leave my mark in his industry.
What was one of the biggest set backs in your career and how did you bounce back? Set Backs? I don’t see anything that happens as a set back. I see as just as another opportunity or sign that a change is needed. But never let anything set u back, keep that tunnel vision and keep looking forward.
What are some things artists need to be careful of? I would tell a fellow artist to make sure you learn every side of the music industry. Soak up as must knowledge about the business as possible. Its ok to be great artist but to longevity in the music game, you have to also have a great knowledge of the business.
What would you spend a million dollars on? (Laugh) A lot!!! I would honest invest into branding my movement and open up more doors for me and my future aspiration i have for my kids.
What was your biggest risk taken in your career? Remember earlier when I said always be prepared for the moment. Well my biggest risk so far been actually meeting Cortez Bryant, manager for “Lil Wayne and Drake” when i was coming out of Bad Boy Worldwide. I had a copy of “RockStar Wasted” and said what the hell. I introduce myself and and gave him a copy to only ask him for feedback. He was really cool about it… I know he a busy person and he could have said get lose. So Shout Out Cortez and the whole Cash Money Camp.
What suggestions do you have for other artists like yourself? Just work hard at your craft and always know that there is someone out the working harder than you. So stay focus, never give up, and first far most believe in yourself. Dream Big because one day your dreams may just come true.
What are the best ways to sell your products as an artist? There are several sites have come across but my top 2 are CDbaby and Reverbnation.. They both offer great opportunities for a reasonable fee.
What is one of your favorite ways to promote yourself and your music? My tool of choice is twitter. I have a large following because of twitter. Right now over 11,000 Followers. My followers are loyal and always give me great feedback and support, I love it. Plus i feel a connection with each one I talk too. Plus it the same thing as moving units out the truck of car. You can connect with a person one on one , and give them the same option and outlet to hear your music. It a great way for a new artist to breakout.
Any last comments or statements? I want to send a special thanks to all my supporters, my AME fam and look for more to things to come this year and 2011 from M DoT Mancini. I have big things in store for 2011…
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