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  • Randy Busbridge

Simbosan's Page

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New Zealand
Music Genre(s):
Folk, Chamber Folk, Instrumental
Welcome to the world of Chamber Folk! A home made orchestra entirely faked using wind instrument controlled strings wrapped snugly around my trusty songwriting companion, my ukulele. Uke has proved an instrumental (pun intended!) songwriting companion leading me slowly and surely to a quaint little world of gentle sounds and wistful melodies.

I see myself as part of a new cottage industry, home grown music recorded in living rooms and bedrooms around the world, a revolution driven by the absurd power of computers. Now imagination is the true limit. Naturally, as with all cottage industry workers, I'm broke =)

In general I would say I'm a right tart when it comes to instruments. First and foremost a guitarist at heart, with a sneakin love of the bass, having an illicit affair with a ukulele and a lewd liaison with an Akai EWI USB all strung together with Ableton.

I love the fact that sitting at my PC in my living room I can construct all kinds of music that would have needed a studio just 10 years ago. Ain't technology grand!

Tales of Dingle Dell - The Album


Simbosan has just released his first ever album, sent out today into the big wide world and available on:



7 Digital

And also the Google Music store for Android!


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