Time: May 4, 2011 to July 4, 2011
Location: Download on the net!!! A telecharger sur le net!
Street: Web
City/Town: Abidjan
Website or Map: http://www.reverbnation.com/t…
Phone: 225 02 64 20 07
Event Type: album, release!!!
Organized By: FACE2FACE
Latest Activity: May 4, 2011
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One of the greatest compilation Album of all times is now on sale!!!
Due to the War in Cote divoire we decided to bring out a "pre released" version of the Album! Now is the time to show & prove your support for real Hip hop, now is the time to show your love to some artists who may not survive this war...
Let each one of us a stand for Cote d'ivoire (Ivory Coast) and purchase at least 1 copy of this great piece!
Face2Face, The African warrior.
PAZ!sabemos la situacion actual de Costa de MARFIL, en relacion estrecha con ella , la asosiacion CÔte-D'ivoire Hip Hop INITIATIVE (CIHHI) propone UN ALBUM que se titula UNITY!OBJETIVO:UN ALBUM PAGADO=AYUDA PARA UN VICTIMA DE GUERRA!DA esa mensaje a tu vecino por favor et a cada uno su obra!
Queen Laetee D
PEACE !Nous savons tous la situation qui prévaut en Côte-d'ivoire en ces moments précis , c'est dans cette optique que la CÔTE D'Ivoire Hip Hop Initiative (CIHHI)a réalisé un album qui s'intitule UNITY.OBJECTIF:UN album = un support à une victime de cette guerre!FAIS PASSER LE MESSAGE STP ET A CHACUN SON ALBUM!
Queen Laetee D
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