Time: July 4, 2012 all day
Location: Any news stand in Rochester or surrounding areas :)
Street: Exchange Street
City/Town: Rochester, New York
Website or Map: http://www.facebook.com/Democ…
Event Type: article, about, tivoli, skye, 's, music, &, dedication, in, the, democrat, and, chronicle, newspaper, for, rochester, surrounding, areas.
Organized By: Miss NY Pageant Foundation, Miss Kaitlin Monte Miss NY
Latest Activity: Jul 3, 2012
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First Miss NY Foundation "UpStander" Scholarship Award was given to the surprised Tivoli Skye on June 16, 2012 at the Staten Island Miss NY Pageant. Miss NY Kaitlin Monte honored Tivoli Skye for her Music & dedication for this an dmany causes revolving around abuse,victimization and suicide.
Miss NY mentioned Tivoli overcoming horrible bullying & abuse using her talent as a singer/songwriter to work along with & for different agencies,collecting signatures for Jamey Rodemyer Bill to help aid in suicide prevention /awareness. The Bill was written by Miss NY (Kaitin Monte) and was just put into effect! Tivoli understands that bullying leads to such losw self esteem no matter if it is name calling, leaving you out, or outright beatings. Tivoli Skye has endured them all and turned around and wrote a moving energetic song "I Don't Care" and "Smile" which is yet to be produced among other originals written earlier in her albums ages 13, 14, and 15, with songs like Change,Because, Hold on, The Unloved , Story of our Lives about the Holocaust and much more. She has raised awareness with Middle schoolers, teachers/buisness executives & parents at fund/awareness raisers of her own and of others. Taking part in Merilees March for Mental wellness,The UpRising "Stand up & Stand out!" her own event held at the Lovin 'Cup, Alternatives for Battered women,Stand up Guys, LIfestream, American Association for suicide prevention, "Celebration of Hope", Steppin out for Scleroderma cure, Breast Cancer, Education for India,Hospice,Broadway theatre League and more/
Later this month other new laws for the protection of children will be in place.Due to the dedicated work of so many people who join forces to effect change- as well as those honoring and being honored using their gifts to help themselves and others.
Tivoli Skye, invited to the stage stood and cried with Kaitlin,Miss NY. A well deserved award especially following a hard year of illness & still done so much, keeping to her plan was and is formidable .
Not sure what will be put in the final article, but LInda Monte, Kaitlin Monte Miss NY, the Miss NY Pageant Foundation & Producers pulled off a big surprise in a large way! Especially since they kept the program away as well, didn't even know there was one :)
Congratulations Tivoli Skye for your 1,000 Scholarship!
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