Michael (Big Ted) Stevens


Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City & State
Austin, TX
Music Genre(s):
Big Ted has been rapping since the age of 18. He has been producing his own music since 2007. He has experienced many trials and tribulations of life and is Blessed enough to be still standing. In 2011 Big Ted began attending The Art Institute of Austin to obtain a Bachelor's Degree in Audio Production as he plans to be in the music game the rest of his life. Big Ted is a serious artist/producer and is dedicated to perfecting his craft.

Comment Wall:

  • GripManson

    thanks for the add
  • Brandon Jason Gow

    Big ups for the friend request Big Ted!
  • Brandon Jason Gow

    So have you got radio play on the station?
  • Brandon Jason Gow

    Me to, but I'm gonna submit my tracks tomorrow. I wish you good luck mane!
  • Brandon Jason Gow

    Add me as a fan on revebnation and I'll return the favour! @bstingonline
  • Brandon Jason Gow

    Ayt mane, Il add u 2m I aint infront of a pc I'm using a bb !
  • Lincoln Patterson

    Much love to you and your flow. Its good to see how you've stuck to your dreams, climbed those maountains and continue to see the peek up ahead. Through lifes tribulations, its to face the battle head on, stay focused in a positive way and proceed to the ultimate victory. You're doing great with your productions Big T, loving the sounds and tracks.






    Thanks for joining our artist, many great news, keep up to date on http://www.iamksandra.com/video.html and join her on facebook.com/KSandraNet and twitter @KSandraTweetz
  • Ajuku Girls

    Heyyyy. much luv to you. keep it flowin! so hey connect with us at twitter.com/ajukugirls k? we love to gab there. xo
  • Christopher Ewing

    Hey, thanks brother!
  • Alex Kelly

    Thanks for the add



  • Kwanza Jones

    Thanks for the friend request, Big Ted! Check out my website at www.kwanzajones.com and let me know what you think!
  • Chris Styles

    Thank you! : )
  • Kwanza Jones

    Thanks Big Ted!
  • Cadillac Magda

    Big Thx Big Teddy :)

    I love your tracks too - good music....


    Cadillac Magda