Steven G. Eads


Arlington, VA

United States

Profile Information:

City & State
Arlington Virginia
Music Genre(s):
Steven G. Eads is a singer- songwriter, influenced by the likes of James Taylor, Steven Curtis Chapman, Chris Rice and Mike Deasy. The songs Steve writes offer practical wisdom, encouragement, some life principles and they express the love that he has personally discovered in Jesus, his Lord. To those who visit here -- Hi! I'm just a guy with a guitar, but thank you for visiting and listening to the music. It means a lot to me. Blessings, Steve

Comment Wall:

  • Paul Hieser

    Thanks, Steve! Many blessings sent your way!! PHM
  • Charles Joseph Moix

    Hi Steven! How are you Bro!
  • Tom N Tierney

    Hi Steve, looks real interesting. Thanks for the invite! Good to have some new things going on every now and then. (: Blessings!
  • Charles Joseph Moix

    Thanks Steven, I appreciate you checking out my new music!!!


  • christina morretti

    thank you,. Powerful probably the cause of it never getting the cut... i loved making tho, thank you so much i do appreciate it ;)
  • paul shaffer

    Hi Steve,
    Thanks for the thoughts and encouragement. God bless you!
  • paul shaffer

    Hey Steve,
    It is a good prayer and declaration to the Lord. Not a bad thing to be stuck in our heads :-)

    We all need each other brother, thanks for the add! GOD Bless!
  • to Sound Doctrine Band's Page

    Thanks for the friend request! Great tunes. God bless you and your ministry!


    Brother Ken


    This is my life today Steven, I am being transformed as you are today! The old man has passed away, this is who I am, I don't have anything else to speak of or on except my GOD whom we serve. Really like your style, and it really makes my heart smile to see Gods people using the gifts he has given them to glorify him. Praise GOD for his Son Jesus, his Holy Spirit and those whom have been called according to his purpose in Christ. May GOD bless the works of your hands!
  • David E. Maxwell

    Hey brother Steve, Blessings....I like this site. Your music is great as well my friend.
  • David E. Maxwell

    Thanks for stopping by my page Brother Steve.
  • David E. Maxwell



    Just want you to know that I stopped by again to listen to your good music.