Meru Matu


United States

Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
Meru Matu
City & State
Santa Barbara, CA
Music Genre(s):
Currently nominated for “Best Pop Artist, Best Solo Artist, Best Singer/Songwriter” of 2012 at the “All Indie Music Awards”, held Feb 10th at the world-famous “Key Club” in Los Angeles, new artist, “Meru Matu” looks to change the face of mainstream commercial pop music. With the release of “Meru Matu’s” self-written and recorded “Supership” album, comes the first single of “Turn My Pages;” a breath of fresh air to a somewhat repetitive industry. “Turn My Pages” is a preview of what’s to come from this promising rouge artist who’s all encompassing variety of styles come with a pop signature on AlienHaus Records.
"Turn My Pages" is mixed by Grammy winner "Chris Trevett" of "The Blue Room" and mastered by Latin Grammy winner "Reuben Cohen" of "Lurssen Mastering"

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