Ang Viglione


Norristown, PA

United States

Profile Information:

City & State
Eagleville PA
Music Genre(s):
*IMPORTANT* I feel credit AND huge thanks has to go to my friend Ashley who passed away last year...thanks for all your help with my music it was not in vain because I got a recording contract OFFER!!!!! I am 22 years old have one best friend and thats all i need. i have been stabbed in the back by one friend after another. I am slowly finding out who I am, who I am meant to have around me, and who was never meant to be there in the first place. I am also slowly realzing what i REALLY want to do with my life. but i will keep it to myself for now cause im sure people are tired of me saying that Because up untill now I flip floped from one end of the spectrum to another. I don't know where im headed but instead of stressing and worrying and over thinking I will just enjoy the ride. I live in a very small town in PA. I love music and always have. I try to do as much as possible with it but it is hard to break into this business. I love music it is who I am and who I always will be!!

Comment Wall:


    hi thur' my 1st friend...Thanx! :)


    You`re so cool! Love your music! Keep the Light ON!
  • J

    Hi-how do you do!

  • Raylene Waye

    thanks for the friendship Ang :o) keep singing and pursuing your dreams! Go girl! cheers & blessings
  • George Galvan

    Thanks for stoping by... YOU ROCK!
  • Ak And Hendrix

    I like your stuff check us out 2
  • J

    Well,your music is really good and your vocal are very well mixed,better of me!haha!I supposed you all do it alone.Good work!I now upload all my song,i wonder if you'll like it.This site is very cool,better than any others!
  • Barrie Glover

    Hi Angie,

    Thank you for your kindness.

    You have a lovely voice and your lyrics are well constructed.

    Continue to make the music.


  • Barrie Glover

    I am following you on twitter.


  • willie white

    Hey Ang keep being you and keep the faiet.
  • yilan yusuf

    Hey Angie i cant help saying i was moved by your bio. expecially the back stabbing part. All ill say is dont allow what has happened to you affect who you are, i have never met you but  for you to be this open, i believe youre a good person, dont allow life take that away from you.
  • Christopher Ewing

    Great music, Ang!
  • yilan yusuf

    Hey Ang whats up, whats cooking in your music kitchen?
  • Raylene Waye

    greetings Ang :) good tip for writer's some great bios and get inspiration from others' lives!
  • yilan yusuf

    Well im going to upload two new singles, you can check them out.
  • Raylene Waye

    hi Ang :) hope you're day is great!! In answer to your question... no I haven't had any dealing with them sorry! cheers :)
  • myrna robinson

    hi ang i just listen they sound great did you write them all.   from myrna jazz singer

    Thanks for the friend request Ang! Nice to meet you here!
    xoxo Melia