Pierre Lemieux

41, Male

Profile Information:

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Indie Music Fan
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pierre lemieux
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Music Genre(s):
Folk/ Alternative
I love Folk acoustic guitar songs,

Comment Wall:

  • Tivoli Skye

     HI Pierre :) 

      That's great you are on here!  Now if there is a show we can meet at it too !  Thanks for joining & helping me out-  hope you  check out the songs on here - the latest one I am yours-  working on making everything a snippet  but  making demos right now for the  evening at WBNY  2  from a cd and 2 live songs to play :)  It's about an hour away - then home again , home again jiggity jig !  I should send you some cd demos too- will  write your address on an envelope  to make sure I don't lose your address :)  I think this is a good place to  put some of yoyur songs on here too :) Thanks for the advice about what to wear etc. for the photo shoot  and  for talking to your friend while in NYCity :) Sounds like a plan ! 

      Make it a great day!!! talk later - Tivvy

  • Tivoli Skye

    Hello! :)

  • Tivoli Skye

    Thank you Pierre-  that is so nice :)  All of your advice is wonderful! I  just have to finish all the things I have already started and am not done with -  wish I oculd do things faster and  take in all that you know & do it perfectly.  I feel so behind with everything  and things moving so fast.   oiIng to be on the first  Ladybug interview on ladybug radio have to post that as well.  Have been working on web sitea everywhere and none have published  and lost info.   very frustrated!!! anyway- had a great day yesterday not on the  computer hardly at all. A nice break!  Spent the day at a lake with kids form my class :) tried to  water board,  got to tube behind a boat and just have  fun!  Hope your day is goign great and that you get  the job !~ still havent' gotten to send you the info  to you,sorry I am behind with everyone it seems -  even with  being on here so much.  will do it soon. Just have to get other things in hand.  It is hard to  get in touch with Kaitlin since she is always busy. I have to wait until she includes me in something again. She has manythings going on.  I am sure she will contact me when  it is good for her, and I will tell her all that you have said :)

     I really need to know how to  license music  that really has to happen soon!!! Plus finish a video with an interveiw  and send an interveiw and intro to another station.   :)


       You Rock,  Tivvy!

  • Tivoli Skye

     I don't know hwat you are talking about some  guy who is from ascap?  i dn't see any comment ?

      where isit ? 

  • Tivoli Skye

    Apparently I am as blind as a bat-  you should help mhy mom manage me- you are  great !

  • Tivoli Skye

     oh  yes, I did read that / so much information  my head is spinning - I just want to license my music an dget it done -  ASCAP has not been helpful at all  went to my site there- and  it is still confusing I need to find out what Williams  using and just do that .   My brain hurts !

  • Tivoli Skye

    Put your musi con here !!! and put on the  song you wanted me to hear too:)  The one you want to do ?

       I will send you teh  other  background  maybe today on   sendspace.  It is already copyrighted so you don't have to worry abou thtat -  then figure out the words-  I had them all done onreverbnation - had thousands of views an d I ruined it being afraid of dsomething that happened -  also working on making snippets - muy mom is htat is .   also tryingto get info out about tonight on the rater Bug first Lady Bug chit chat :)

      talk later  :)

     tivvy ciao!

  • Tivoli Skye

     you can  put your music on here -  but to send the one you want to work on  you can do it through sendspace it is free ! Great that you have songs up to day :)  Did you read the lyrics I sent ?  Hope it all came through alright :)  Have a great day-  Ciao!

  • Tivoli Skye

    I listened to your video but couldn't understand it all.  It sounds spanish in the beginning, you r guitar playing in the first segment is  nice-  the rest doesn't download . Thanks for sharing though :) 

  • Tivoli Skye

    not Venise Beach, the one in the living room with your friend that you have up here with Bonono?- where is the Venise Beach one-  the one in the living room  teh beginning of the song is pretty, can't  understand everything the  other guy is saying,  you look happy, the beginning didn't seem to match  what he decided to do.  

      You asked me if I could rap,  yes, I can-might be fun to skype and I can  do a little rap for you :)  My mother  thought it was fun - except for no swear words..even my song Karma isn't meant for everybody even though it si a joke - funny little picture in your mind of when a  boy does you wrong.   oh well, can't win them all :) have a  nice week, stay in touch :)

     Tivvy <3 

  • Tivoli Skye

     Kind of messed up today- sorry-  mom tried to  fix the site- wrote youtube abou t it :) Tahnks fo r checkinghtings out - never even noticed it... you are good my friend :)

     Best ever, Tivvy

  • Tivoli Skye

     JUst  love the way you are so encouraging:) Thanks for that -  Can't wait to see the French version !!! That will be great- and to  hear the pronunciation :)

      Mom said you havea  really wonderful accent ! LOve it !!!!

      HOPe you got the job you wanted:0


  • Tivoli Skye

    Thank you Pierre :)  I tried to read the words n French- boy I haven't got a clue...LOL!   Really goign to need to hear how those words sound-  There is no depart is like  can't get away from it-  hope htat makes sense to you .

     Have a friend over tonight  off I go :)

      Ciao !