Andre Madi

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Andre Madi
City & State
São Paulo, São Paulo
Music Genre(s):
Pop jazz/ Bossa Nova / World / Latin
Purchase "Os Olhos Musicais" - Musical Eyes:

Coming from a family of pianists, violinists, singers, composers, Andre Madi brings in his anscentral knowledge a world full of music and one stands out among the new names in Brazilian Popular Music. The artist, having been praised by the likes of great names as Djavan, Arthur Maia, Chico Pinheiro, among others, follows motivated by music and the pleasure of making art, resulting in a musicl road with more of 6.000 gigis, between shows, bars, festivals... Talent striking shimmering melodies and engaging a corner surrounded by jazz nuances, intuitive, and the whole improvisation.
Andre is cousin of Tito Madi, his musical godfather, one of the great names of the Samba -Canção and one of the precursors and exponents of Bossa Nova. The artist stands out in partnership with KayLyra (World Falling Down & Chaplin sem cor), with Arthur Maia, Fernanda Fróes e Luis Paulo Serafim (Vila Madalena- recomends Nelson Motta – Sintonia Fina) and Tito Madi (Samba do Careta), among other esteemed partners in songs like Simone Guimaraes, Beatriz Azevedo, João Viana, Catarina dos Santos, Katia Drummond and Claudio Lyra.
His first work, the CD "The Musical Eyes" (2nd edition), produced by Andre and Arthur Maia, has as special guests singer and songwriter Kay Lyra, Arthur Maia, Tito Madi and the participation of musicians as Kiko Continentino, Carlos Bala , Glauton Campello, Claudio Rosa, João Baptista, Kauê de Oliveira, joão Pazzine, among others. Beyond his own songs, Andre recorded "Ah, eu não sei", by Tito Madi and "O vento atravessou Icaraí", de Tito Madi e Ronaldo Bastos.
He was awarded second place in the 3rd National Festival of MPB (ViniciusCuccolichio) in Sao Jose do Rio Preto, São Paulo, where he also received the award for best arrangement to "Samba Partido." It was a finalist for the National Festival of MPB Pereira Barreto, SP, in 2011 with the song "Canção pro Universo."
In 2003 participated at the Tito Madi´s show, at SESC São Carlos, SP, Brazil. In this same period, share the stage with Zezé Gonzaga, Áurea Martins and Tito Madi, in a tribute to Tito, in Rio de Janeiro. In 2004 is special guest at Arthur Maia´s show, at SESC Rio Preto, SP, sharing the stage with Arthur, Marcelo Martins, Glauton Campello and Tanis Sarkis.
In 2008 participated at the "Rota de lançamento", at SESC Santana, releasing officially the music work "Os olhos musicais - musical eyes", beside Marcelo Mariano (bass), Adriano Trindade (drums) and as special guests Keila Abeid, Fernanda Fróes and Kay Lyra.
In 2009 participated in the project "Where are they?," at SESC Pinheiros. Show next to the pianist and producer Paulo Calasans, singing and playing own songs and other artists songs.
Andre has also been on stage beside Carlos Lyra, Mariana de Moraes, Mauricio Maestro (Boca Livre), Demma K, Chiquito Braga, Amanda Bravo, Izzy Gordon, Gabriel Moura, among other names in the music world. Teaches music at Artlivre School of Music, in São Paulo, Brazil, today directed by the pianist Sérgio Sciotti and by the saxofonist Derico Sciotti. Andre was named Top New Artist & Featured Jazz Artist in Metro Media Group Indie Music Channel, Hollywood, California, in 2012 and in 2013 was best jazz artist nominee at the Indie Music Channel Awards. In this same year, Andre Madi is invited by the Tcheco/Brazilian label Media4Music, for a LP release, available at

Comment Wall:

  • Anne Roos

    Nice to meet you! Wonderful music! Thank you for connecting with me!

  • Tivoli Skye

    oh my goodness you are so smooth :) Wonderful music and sound <3 It!

      Tivoli Skye<3

      Tivoli = I lov it !

      Yay 4 Music !

  • Tivoli Skye

    Hope to meet someday, maybe I can croon with you :) -Tivoli <3

  • Warning Birds

    Hey Andre,

    Very cool chords :) I hope music is treating you well? Best of luck!


  • Warning Birds

    Why the quasi-hemi-demi-semi-quaver (128th notes) at 112 and above? Isn't that way too fast? Sorry just confused by it??



  • Tivoli Skye

    :0 thank you for the nic ecomment- back fo ra listen love it even though I don't know what you are saying <3 TivoliSkye 

    please visit :)

    Tivoli= i lov it !

     ( Tivoli backwards:)

  • Warning Birds

    Haha! Totally missed that :)


  • Christopher Ewing

    Great music, Andre!