Emily Gambone

Kent, OH

United States

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Emily Gambone
City & State
United States
Music Genre(s):
Acoustic Singer/Songwriter
Emily was the former lead singer and guitar player for the rock band, Goodnight Tonight. The band ended working as a group in June of 2017. Emily is currently working on new material and will be posting songs and videos soon. We will leave the old music, videos and pictures on this site as it was part of Emily's history

Comment Wall:

  • Adam Whittington

    Toured with this band and they are amazing!  Awesome people and awesome music!


  • Bob Pumphrey (Guitarist)

    Awesome music........Like your style...
  • Tivoli Skye

    Hey guys, sorry I missed you in the tour of the West Coast.  watched a lot of your videos and really like your music.  Great to see you and Adam met and got along so well.  He is amazing, met him in Minnesotta this past summer.   Take care and thanks for  being on my page, I don't visit here that much, especially since I have been ill.   Better now.  take care, Tivoli Skye :O)
  • TheOmniBand

    listening to your music right now!!!
  • Suicide Bunnies!!

    Thank you for making the world a better place with your music. Happy Holidays> Network with us> Lets share the Love. Anton> Suicide Bunnies!!

  • Tivoli Skye

    Hey guys how is everything going? Worried and hope things are on the mend or they caught it early enough. Let m eknow. Tiv

  • Tivoli Skye

    enjoy your time in Cali:) Glad all is well- looking forward to hearing about it :)

    Tivoli Skye

  • Tivoli Skye

    Congratulations on your nomimations ! Tivoli Skye <3

  • Stevie Hawkins

    Congratulations for your nomination! Wishing you all the best!

  • Tivoli Skye

    Hi guys! So happy that we are going to meet! 

     <3 Tivoli Skye

  • Tivoli Skye

    H iGuys:)  my m om  and I will be getting there late Friday night 11:39 - will be there Saturday and Sunday Leaving Monday at 1:00 If we can fit something in that would be fantastic ! would love that. Let me know then we will ecahnge info. I can give you several numbers and maybe text too? Staying at My Uncles house- and they are coming as well as   some of theri amazing friends :) So excited to see everyone ! write you on facebook and see if I can leave a message of my phone number :) Thanks for wanting to include me in an interview :) So great ! Thanks guys !!!! Tivoli Skye

  • Tivoli Skye

    HI guys let me know hwat you are planning:)  Going out saturday night ?  interview with all of us ?

     Let me know - call my mother, Tracey ...K :)

  • alchalant

    Congratulations from alchalant in Detroit MI. Looking forward to becoming friends. 


    Hey guys, it was so nice to meet you all too... "Stay Inspired" 


    Congrats to you all. It was so awesome to perform along side you guys! I really enjoyed your performance. We're actually not that far away from you all. Maybe we could hook up and do a gig or two in the future. Keep making they great music and stay in touch!
    xoxo. melia
  • Tivoli Skye

     Hi you gusy- jsut wanted to say hope things are goign well, and  everyone is healthy- hope to see you sometime in the dsummer or  future- you rock! check out some of the pictures you are in on my site:) have a new page on facebook  singer/sognwriter fan page would love it if you visited. :)  Best < Tivoli Skye!

  • Septimius The Great

    Thanx soooooo much and nice to meet you as well. Hope to gig or hang with you soon.

  • Trevor Sewell

    Great show on Sunday at the Whisky A Go Go lovely to meet you all too - you have a new fan :)