Ameera York


United States

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Ameera York
City & State
Hallettsville, Tx
Music Genre(s):
Ameera York is originally from Houston, Tx, but grew up in small town, Hallettsville, TX. Growing up with her mother always preaching Jesus and leading youth conferences gave Ameera a strong foundational background. Ameera has been singing the majority of her life, but began 'rapping' on her step-father's recordings with her 3 brothers. This led to the eventual discovery of a powerful vocal ability. Ameera can take any old gospel hymn and make it her own. She has an anointed sound that touches the hearts of many. Singing in many local churches over the years provided her the opportunity to walk in the mission that God has called her to. Her commitment is first to the Lord and her heart is to simply be a vessel for God's use - to heal, bring joy and help others see their purpose in the Lord's plan. Ameera loves performing and has fun ministering the Word and conveying the love of Christ to the masses. Ameera's gospel sound emits pop and urban overtones and affects a vast range of listeners.

Comment Wall:

  • Danae Vlasse

    I send you my love Ameera!! Thank you for being a beautiful soul!

  • Bayboogy

    Thank You for the information!!