Otto Loewy


Atlanta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

City & State
Atlanta, GA
United States
Music Genre(s):
Alternative Funk HipHop R&B
I am Otto Loewy, LIB Recording Artist/Musical Ambassador, Artistically known as """OttoakaSugarVon""", half European/African, son of the Late Rev.Emil Loewy (Father;Hungarian) and Mary Loewy (Mother-Liberian) and Artist/Producer of POG Production(Creative Music Lab). My sound is Raw, Original, Creative and Unlimited, creating Music from the Fusion of sounds, to express the Universal Language (MUSIC- is message) by """OttoakaSugarVon""" in (The Creative Lab) POGP. Recorded 1st Album at the (LRCN Radio Studio, LIB), 2nd at (Hotel Africa, LIB), 3rd Album at (Cross Atlantic Studios, LIB), 4th Album recorded at (Studio JAT, LIB) and now Recording and Producing at (POG Production(Creative Music Lab). Music is my Life, and My life is Music. (231 Artist)

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