Ryan Anthony aka Risey


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Ryan Anthony
City & State
United Kingdom
Music Genre(s):
House / Trance / Chillout / Drum & Base
Producer Ryan Anthony:
Ryan Anthony has been producing music for a long time from his small studio in Wales within the United Kingdom previously under the name of Risey. From the early age of eleven he was taught to play the piano, this gave him his schizophrenic producing nature by not being held down by any one genera of music, from Chillout to D’n’B Ryan continues to push himself forward.

Latest Release:
His latest track ‘Lost Inside My World’ feat. Danny Claire has been well received by the online community, the song features a haunting piano, dreamy pads, a beach shoreline sample recorded in Thailand and the angelic vocals of Danny Claire that all sums up to be a blissful beautifully crafted tranquil journey. The song is signed to the legendary Alter Ego Records in the United Kingdom and was released 25/02/2013 into all major online stores. www.AlterEgoRecords.com

The Future:
Ryan is currently working on his long awaited track ‘Fly Away’ slated to be a commercial D’n’B floor filling monsta.

Official Website:

Personal Message To Fans:
I would like to say thank you to everyone that has given me support, I hope you all enjoy my music, I believe music is one of the most powerful tools of communication within the world and beyond, it transcends cultural differences and unites, keep the faith, i will do my best to entertain you all.
Ryan Anthony xxx

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