robert cody lewis

Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
cody lewis
City & State
Music Genre(s):
folk blues classic
love to pick and grin!

Comment Wall:

  • Bobby Alan

    Hey Cody, long time no see or hearing from you. A pleasant surprise. Not much new going on with me, I just retired from my real job. I'm planning on getting my single act together once again. It's been 20 years since I did that. How have you been? Glad to hear your still pickin. Where are you living now. Anyway, keep in touch. Did you say you have been in touch with Doc and Art? Where the hell are they? Anyway, give me a call at 941-408-0298 or email me at

    Nice to hear from you........

  • Mike Brasher

    I'm just dropping by to say hello and invite you to stop by check out our music.   Ahh yes! The reason were all here, 2 new songs thought i would share em. C.C.
  • Bobby Alan

    Hey Cody. How ya doing? Still pickin' and grinnin' I see. Anything recorded yet? Keep in touch.
