

Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
City & State
Los Angeles, CA
U.S. A.
Music Genre(s):
World/Eletronica/Flamenco/New Age
I use music and performing arts to express the diversity and beauty of the world cultures and the universal shared vision and dreams. Music is also my gateway to explore the collective psyche and cosmos. Each of us is an instrument of the Universe expressing the infinite creative forces, light & darkness, Yin & Yang that dance and play through our adventures on the earth. To be an artist, we communicate with the world mainly through our emotions and perceptions. We are indeed helping the humanity to process the collective unconscious, emotions and the dynamic shifting of the collective mind with our music! Salute to all of YOU who are devoting your life for MUSIC! May we have courage and strength to strive and blossom!Big thanks to all music lovers. We exist and strive because of YOU!

Akasa's musical journey began from an unexpected experience that altered every aspect of her life at the ancient oracle of Delphi in Greece. She began to hear music arising with the diverse musical elements of the world cultures.

Since this event, Akasa has been using her voice as a vehicle to explore the full spectrum of human emotions and the diverse archetypal energies from the world mythologies and the collective unconscious.Akasa's music crosses over many genres: from Pop, Club, Dance, Electronica, Blues, R& B, New Age, Flamenco, Gypsy, Rock, to World music. In some of Akasa's songs, she sings with her own language, a unique style of vocalization which reminds people of Lisa Gerrard and Enya. Akasa's greatest passion is to express the dark night of the soul, the quest for the meaning of life and transformation of human experience to luminous realization through her music.

Akasa has shifted her focus from ceremonial performing arts to her music since she moved from S.F. Bay Area in 2011. She has presented for many international conferences on the subjects of consciousness, shamanism, humanity education, ecology, alternative healing and transformation. She was also one of the council for the Society for the study of shamanism, healing and transformation and had presented her work for their international conferences for 10 years. Her vision is to inspire the transformation of consciousness with the synergy of her music, ceremonial performances and life experiences. It is an offering for the wholeness of humanity.


"Akasa has tapped into a primordial source of sound that she brings forth with ecstatic power. Listening to her evokes echoes of ancient Delphic initiations and Atlantean mysteries. She has discovered, or perhaps remembered, the oracular voice of the Orphic and Dionysian priestesses."
- Ralph Metzner, Ph.D., author, co-author of The Psychedelic Experience with Timothy Leary and Ram Dass

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  • Wixor

    Heya!  Thanks for the add!

  • evangeline arias

    Akasa, you have a beautiful Spirit and voice.  Your Music is prayer out to the Universe.  Thank you for your friends request.  The World needs all the positive energy, and your Music reflects, pure LOVE. 


    dropping in to show my love and support!  keep up your unique sound.

    xoxo Melia