Hello Machine

Detroit, MI

United States

Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
Hello Machine
City & State
United States
Music Genre(s):
Alternative / Electronic / Pop Rock
Hello Machine came together in 2008 when Luke Dewitt and Jeff Rebrovich, both veterans of the Detroit music scene, decided to create a sound based on their diverse musical influences and experiences. The result was the 2010 release SONGS FROM AN UNFILMED MOVIE, a journey through the depths of the human psyche and beyond. Highly cinematic and steeped in raw emotion, SONGS FROM AN UNFILMED MOVIE explored incredibly personal themes of loss, deception, evolution and redemption, strapping the listener in and immersing them in scenes that are thought-provoking, while also pushing the sonic envelope.

Now after a year of writing and recording, three new consecutive releases beginning with the forthcoming EP "Bordello", HM
again tackles the psyche with relatable themes of various introspective & social attributes bound again by the need to envelop the listener with every note and every word.

"As odd as it may be to say, I've had all of this music, and all of these arrangements in my head that were in a constant state of contradiction,” explains Rebrovich. “And we have felt that mainstream music has seemed at times to lack a certain critical element that keeps the listener actually listening, That's where Luke's genius comes to play because he is one of the most brilliantly demented storytellers I've ever gotten the chance to work with. His lyrics pull you in and make you listen. And there is so much amazing music out there that has gone largely unnoticed that does just that,...pulls you in. Go exploring people! It's an exciting time to be a musician & a listener. Anything goes. There's something for everyone."

"This new material is all very exciting for us because, though Luke and I have been friends and in various music incarnations in the past, writing together was mostly in passing and rarely as creatively intense as the writing all of these songs."

Nevertheless, Hello Machine is a relentless and passionate project that has only begun its musical allegory. Constantly creating and exquisitely evolving, Dewitt and Rebrovich are fiercely determined to leave a lasting mark on the modern musical lexicon, boldly declaring “The Future is Ours.”

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