yeah clementines

Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
yeah clementines
City & State
philadelphia, pa
Music Genre(s):
"yeah clementines" are the Philadelphia-based 4-tet led by Bunnydrums bassist, Marc Laurick. Following the debut digital EP, "Aquarelles", the first full-length album, "Candela" includes all new songs, plus two penned by Graham Brice (Wooden Hills) and Parker Dulany/Kevin Tooley (Certain General, John Cale,,,) Released by The China Sea Recordings Concern, February 2012.

... "passe dans l'indifference generale...","... Laurick was best known as bassist for "post-punk icons", Bunnydrums. So it should stand to reason this project were at first, "flatteringly pegged a Wire/Buzzcocks hybrid"...But, "having performed everything from bluegrass with Skip Heller, to free-jazz with Byard Lancaster, to the "neon metal" of Mose Giganticus, this band's absorbed a broader, deeper, and decidedly pre '77 catalog..." ... "with guitarist, Howard Harrison (Martin Bisi) "the music reveals elements of Thompson-esque electric folk, at times even the music hall surrealism of Scott Walker, While the eye-of-the-storm vocal delivery and artful, verbal blurs often collide with quotes from Jacques Brel or Harry Nilsson..."

"Post-Punk"? Indeed. Oblique lyrics, high-modernist guitars, and unassailable pedigree intact.

Comment Wall:

  • Hannibal Lindsjo

    Cool tune of yours! Thanx for the friendship and have a great week! /H