Jonathan Roberts


Mesquite, TX

United States

Profile Information:

City & State
Mesquite, Tx
Music Genre(s):
We would like to introduce to you a new kind of acoustic music. I write a lot of sappy love songs or hate songs (Depending on how you would like to look at it) and I feel it is your duty to listen and relate to them! I don't write solemnly about my balmy love interests, but I write more for what others can relate to. I'm sure most of you will feel the way my songs may relate. Listen and tell me what you think! I am from Rosamond Ca, and just moved to Mesquite Tx. Hoping to find some gigs at local venues. I have been writing for 7 years and am just now starting to put my music out! Join our Mailing List at Type in your e-mail address and click "Join". As simple as that! You will get updates and blog posts and everything Shenanigans!

Comment Wall:

  • Scott Lee Webster

    Hey thanks for adding me!
  • Running Late

    Hey Jonathan! Thanks allot for the complement!! Im really digging your acoustic stuff, especially "On Our Own". Anyways, if you want to easily stay up to date with our songs, gigs, and other activities, than come visit and like our facebook group! It can be found through this link:


    Hope to talk to you soon Jonathan, best regards from Jersey!

    - Mike / Running Late