Mark Rechler


United States

Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
Falling Water
City & State
Laurel Hollow,NY
Music Genre(s):
Rock, Pop, AC, Alternative
Summers over, Fall is kicking in hard and fast. Cold weather, bad luck, lost love, & a death of a loved one leaves one questioning ones dreams. The Slow Down by Falling Water is the beautiful sound track which will guide us through these hard times or at least hold our hand while we walk down the cold, dark road.

Falling Water is a new project by singer/songwriter Mark Rechler. Mark has spent the last 10 years in the writing for a funky rocking bar band Circus Mind. With his true passion lying in darker worlds.
The songs piled up, half recorded demos, and Dictaphone ditties of
Sad stories of lost directions & broken dreams .

Falling Water , born in 2010 initially as a “recording project as a cathartic outlet for my negative feelings” with Dave Diamond on Drums, Chris Crosby on Bass, & Bill Titus on Guitar. An adult alternative trip down broken dream way, Falling Water’s EP “The Slow Down” exhibits a host of influences (David Bowie, Roger Waters, Todd Rundgren) and newer ones as well (My Morning Jacket, Wilco, Gomez). The song topics traverse the darker edges such as drug addiction, death, shattered dreams, however somehow manage to leave you with a little light at the end of the tunnel to grab on to.

Mark Rechler has played with members of the Neville Brothers, The Meters, Soulive, Rebirth Brass Band, and Bob Marley’s band. He makes music for Discovery Networks, Comedy Hall of Fame and Animal Planet. He has played Piano since he was a puppy & is a fan of classic keyboards as well as high tech synths with lots of knobs.

For more information please contact Mark at:

Comment Wall:

  • Bob Pumphrey (Guitarist)

    Like your song and video...It's very meaningful.....You should post more of your stuff. It's very good....
  • Bob Pumphrey (Guitarist)

    Thanks for adding more tunes.....They sound great......Like the flavor of the songs. Your voice is perfect for the music......
  • Christopher Ewing

    Great jams, Mark!