Jenna Fox


Portland, ME

United States

Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
Jenna Fox & The Black Widows
City & State
Portland, ME
Music Genre(s):
Dance/ Electronica
Jenna Fox, veteran Rocker, (Originally, Classically, Jazz & Blues Trained) Successful Best-seller and award winning Author, Actress/ Model, and Recording Artist/ singer(spoken words, using drama)/songwriter from Portland, ME peaked on The Indie Music Channel charts, and has been for over 2 months! With her ever-growing international fan-base, combined with her rapidly show-stopping and Out!-rageous, Fan-tab-u-lous costume changes (with her other Gender-Bending Persona’s and AMAZING showmanship, or in this case, Show-WO-MAN-SHIP) and growing repertoire of radio ready music – of radio ready music – Jenna Fox is ready to take her music and energetic dance-style show across North America and then the world. Lady Gaga of ‘The Lady Gaga’ saw her talent when she was in Portland, ME and decided she would ask her to help in the DADT campaign (recently passed, Sept. 20th, 2011) and her film and producing crew filmed a instructional video to help call your congressmen and women to fight for the cause, as (Jenna was one of many military victim’s of being “Kicked out for being GAY and did not get her “PRIME RIB” as stated by GAGA herself.

She also has been featured on youtube featured awards, OUT! Music Nominated as 2011 New OUT! Artist of the year and TV including, NBC, and LOGO’s stations to name a few. With her upcoming music video!

Also, Jenna has been a victim of Gender & Sexual hate crimes, and been an activist, since August 2010, as she started her STOP! The Gender & Sexual Violence campaign and Magazine, to help with awareness.

Jenna Fox is managed by Richard Hall, J.W. Enterprises/ Management, who has worked in the music business for 25+ years, has toured with Van Halen, Aerosmith, Def Leppard and is currently on tour. "With great backing and support, the only place for Jenna Fox to go, is to the top!" – Richard Hall. Jenna Fox is a Dance-Diva, a Rock-Queen, and a POP-Princess and a fiercely determined, Inspirational, beautiful matured and VERY UNIQUE woman with a great attitude. “I write about issues and things that happen in life, transition and to "BRING TO LIFE” those areas that are TABOO to talk about in the LGBT experiences, hate crimes and areas that I feel can help give back and speak out through my music, that may be painful, but make one stronger”, says Jenna Fox. Stories of turmoil, life, transition, independence & love become clear in Jenna Fox’s music and lyrics, giving you a sample of love, life, percussion, synthesizer, Theremin and dance beats with an attitude.

Jenna Fox plans to continue to write and record music with many successful musicians and “LOVES collaborating with others…” she quotes (hence, the BLACK WIDOWS, are artists around the world, she collaborates with). She also is currently working with the HOT, NEW, NOW, NEXT PRODUCER/ RAPPER/ SONGWRITER – Jessika K from Nashville, TN and also working with Producer Fred Voornas, out of Mass.

These new songs will continue to allow Jenna Fox to grow musically as well as professionally... Look out for Jenna Fox's music and coming tours in 2012 and beyond.

Heading up to “The year of the FOX… 2015…

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