
United States

Profile Information:

City & State
Flint, MI
United States
Music Genre(s):
Hip Hop/ R&B
Oscar "King O Live" Lambert born and raised in Flint, MI. He was raised in a very talented household, a household that consisted of three singers; his uncle Alvin, his aunt Anyanna, and his grandmother Melissa, the household also had a rapper; his uncle Elmeco.It would only be a matter of time before Oscar would find out what his talents were. His first talent he became aware of was basketball, at the age of three. Followed by singing but he never really took a huge liking to that. So he continued to pursue basketball. Years later when he was he moved to Oak Park, still in pursuit of his basketball dream. By now, Oscar had become aware of his singing abilities but was very shy so he would only sing on his voicemail for callers to hear. One day one of his high school friends called him and heard his voicemail and asked if he'd ever recorded any songs before. Little did Oscar know his friend was a rapper and he asked Oscar if he would sing on one of his songs. From that point on, Oscar began to get more and more interested in music and began to do more recording. A few people in the school began to hear and talk about Oscar's music and they liked what they heard. Learning ways to perfect his craft and make himself better in every aspect Oscar began to teach himself how to write his own songs and teach himself to rap. Continuing his hard work and beginning to develop a name for himself Oscar began to go by King O based on a name given to him by a friend. The very next year King O moved back to Flint and had already established a name in music for himself there. Continuing on his journey to the top King O Live is steady working on his writing and delivery. He has done songs with many various artists and continues to proceed to diversify himself in the music industry and make an even bigger name for himself and with his drive and determination I believe that King O Live will become a household name sooner than later.

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