Ivan Melgar

Profile Information:

City & State
Chicago Illinois
United States Of America
Music Genre(s):
Im a young, verry young artist who's only goal in life is to be successful In Making Music. I am not doing this for the money, im doing this for the love of Hip-Hop and I want people to hear me and let my words be spread across the entire globe. Rap Is dying now a days, Mainstream music is taking over all the major radio/tv/internet stations. People now a days dont listen to rap because they dont like what they hear on the raddio but THE RADIO DOES NOT PLAY RAP MUSIC. Out of all the songs i have heard... not any of them play the true music of rap (There is that exception of Eminem) & all they talk about is about drugs/money/girls. I want to Change That... Not by myself.. I want To Inspire a lot of People to Make A Change In The Mainstream Music & Start pplaying the music people should be hearing.

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Brasher

    Catfish Cheese is on Indie Music Channel. I am here to invite you to our profile to hear what you have been missing, and remember... "Its always bedda with some catfish chedda".
  • Antoine Smith

    Cool music!