Joshua John NIckel


Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca


Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
Josh Nickel
City & State
Puerto Escondido, Oaxaca
Music Genre(s):
Folk Pop, Acoustic, Pop Rock, Pop
The world is in desperate need of hope and that’s what Josh Nickel portrays the most in his music. His music is about bringing that message of hope and stirring people to dream bigger. Things may be bad at times but we have to choose to hold on and keep dreaming knowing that if we really believe great things can be achieved. Over that past year Josh Nickel has travelled across the globe to Australia, Mexico, United States, Canada, the Uk, and Tanzania bringing the message of hope to the people that have ears to hear. He recently has also been involved in the production of an African Maasai warrior music cd that is going to help provide the funds for the construction of a school in eastern Africa. Love is another thing that lands very near to Josh Nickel’s heart. Showing love to one another and actually living how God commanded us to live. His first album titled “Love… Life” speaks manly about this and also about daring to dream. Josh Nickel’s new album that is still in the process of being written also portrays his huge desire and passion to see the younger generation dream big and not get caught up in the traps of what pop culture dictates to be the norm. At the moment Josh Nickel is also working on the plans for a new project to bring more education opportunities to Africa and in the future to areas of South America and Asia. This is only the beginning and the best is still yet to come.

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