

Profile Information:

City & State
Mesquite, Tx
Music Genre(s):
My songs are simply about the Human Condition my Human Condition. I believe that the Human condition is universal. We all no matter how rich poor young beautiful or “ugly” experience joy pain happiness sadness sunshine and rain. I attempt to capture and embrace the experience of the Human Condition in my music. I am inspired by everyday life as well as how these conditions are dealt with in the spiritual nature of the “Holy Bible.” I reflect on “What does God say about these issues?” As you listen to the music hopefully you will realize that I am not perfect and never will be. I feel the way I feel and God deals with me at that point. I pray that my music is divinely inspired and that it can help someone else who is going through a condition of life. It may not be the same problem but it may be the same condition. I believe that there is power in words so I try to be careful when I speak. I pray that Jesus the Christ uses my music to help inspire deal with uplift and convince someone to aspire to make better choices when dealing with the Human Condition.

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