
Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
Steal The Scenery
City & State
San Diego, CA
United States
Music Genre(s):
Dub Pop Rock
Redefining their style with the release of their 2nd studio album The Art of Breaking Hearts, San Diego’s pop band Steal The Scenery has coined the new style “Dub Rock”.

"We found ourselves wanting to create something new, something driving and catchy... something to make people dance. But we still wanted to write songs that meant something to us, not just something that sounds like a good hook over a hard hitting beat. The Art of Breaking Hearts is a concept derived from past relationships we have all been in. It's an idea that almost glorifies the act of a break up itself, no matter which end of it that you are on. We wrote about the idea of a break up like it is an art form. Everyone has experienced one and they are all so similar in the way they are carried out. It is those similarities and patterns that make it something so terrible that we have began to respect because of its life changing power”, says Bassist Joey Agustin.

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