

Profile Information:

City & State
Mexico City
Music Genre(s):
Instrumental Rock Guitar (Experimental)
ENGLISH: Alvarroco is a project that started out of my love for music and when i got my hands on some recording equipment. Its a mix of Rock, Funk, Electronic, Jazz, Blues wachamacallit covered with chocolate and a taste of insanity!!. My main influences are mad scientists like David Fiuczynski, Steve Vai, Jason Becker, Norman Brown, Frank Zappa, Don Ross.. between others that the list would never end. This is a one man work, i played the guitars and basses, also some synths, programmed the drums, played with some loops and mixed it, mastered it and on it, hope you like it. "Those places that you think you where there but when you try to remeber it seems like it was in a dream or another life?" ESPAÑOL: Alvarroco es un proyecto que empezó por mi amor a la música y cuando conseguí algo equipo de grabación. Es una mézcla de Rock, Funk, Electrónico, Jazz, Blues.. bañada con chocolate y una pizca de locura!!. Mis influencias son cientificos locos como David Fiuczynski, Steve Vai, Jason Becker, Norman Brown, Frank Zappa, Don Ross..entre otros que la lista sería interminable. Este es trabajo de un solo hombre, toqué las guitarras y los bajos, también unos syntes, programé las baterías, corté unos loops y lo mezclé, lo masterize leve y espero te guste. "Esos lugares que piensas estuviste allí pero cuando tratas de recordalos parece que fue en un sueño u otra vida?"

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  • Mike Brasher

    Catfish Cheese is on Indie Music Channel. I am here to invite you to our profile to hear what you have been missing, and remember... "Its always bedda with some catfish chedda".
  • Mike Brasher

    BAD ASS tracks!!! check out my song The Freak Out.
  • Blabpipe
