Minds Open Wide

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Artist's or Band's Name
Minds Open Wide
City & State
Rochester, NY
Music Genre(s):
alternative rock/prog
Minds Open Wide is the brainchild of Freddie Decoste,(Within, Hate Machine, and former bass player from national recording artist Psyopus). Wanting to take a break from the hardcore scene, Decoste decided to venture into new musical territory by putting down the bass and grabbing the guitar. Carrying over some of his technically monstrous song writing from Psyopus and mixing it with a funky alternative edge, Freddie’s next obvious step was to find fellow musicians that could help him make his musical dreams a reality.
This is when longtime friend and bassist Monk (Fuel, Nickel) came in the picture. Fred and Monk clicked. They became a song writing machine and after writing steadily for over a year they felt it was the right time to find a vocalist. They always had one singer in mind for their project, and as luck has it, he became available; vocalist Todd Gursslin (Fuel, Nickel, Kaged). The final piece was formed shortly after when drummer Anthony Castronova (Bughouse, Burn Everything) joined the band. Welcome to the world, Minds Open Wide.
After listening to M.O.W. their musical influences are fairly obvious. With influences such as Faith No More, A Perfect Circle, Mars Volta, and Red Hot Chili Peppers.
Decostes’ schooling of classical and flamenco guitar offers listeners an infusion of melodic prog-rock and syncopated rhythms.
With technical aspects that your average listener can relate to, mixed with an emotional outpouring of vocals, Minds Open Wide is rightfully equipped to produce positive results in the music business.

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