Dave McGrath
  • Male
  • Rochester, NY
  • United States
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Dave McGrath's Friends

  • Amanda Rundquist

My Music

  • 1.
    Just Bones.mp3
  • 2.
    07 Mississippi Mud
  • 3.
    01 Best Of Me

Dave McGrath's Page

Profile Information

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Dave McGrath
City & State
Rochester NY
Music Genre(s):
Blues Rock

Dave McGrath was born in Kingston, Ontario Canada. He moved to Rochester N.Y. when he was two and began studying music in grammar school; playing slide trombone, singing in school plays and the choir, and playing guitar. After playing in some local bands in high school and college, he moved to Seattle, Washington. He began performing both as a solo artist as well as with several popular bands. His first band project was a group called "Tribal Therapy" which became very popular throughout the Northwest, touring Washington, Oregon, and California. Some of the high profile shows included performing with the group "Heart", "Alice in Chains", and Michael Hedges. Following a five-year stint with "Tribal Therapy" Dave joined a band called "The Puddle Jumpers" He began performing and recording with them on their debut CD "Out of the Shadows". which gained them praise from critics and received significant airplay on college, and non-commercial radio stations throughout the United States, Canada, and Europe.

Dave co-founded an independent record label to promote the debut album and co-engineered the subsequent two following albums. His songwriting skills continued to grow, as well as his guitar playing, vocals, and stage presence as "The Puddle Jumpers" increasingly performed throughout the Northwest area. In 2001, Dave moved back to Rochester NY, and started a new band. His goal was to assemble a group of high quality musicians to perform songs from the past, current rock and pop favorites, as well as continuing to write, and record original material. In 2003, he completed construction of a state of the art 32 channel recording studio and released his debut album in May 2005 to enthusiastic fans. Vocals and lyrics highlight the themes behind these songs which confront difficult questions.

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At 4:03pm on July 11, 2012, Amanda Rundquist said…

I'm only showing 1 song "Best of Me" as being uploaded and that's the one I listened too... No spam from me.

At 3:54pm on July 11, 2012, Amanda Rundquist said…

Great song!  Love your sound

At 3:41pm on July 11, 2012, Mr tom said…
Look forward to hearing your music. Take a look at ours and please like us on Facebook if you do thankyou


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