Jesse Shadis
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  • Christopher Ewing

Jesse Shadis's Page

Profile Information

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Filthy Orchestra
City & State
Los Angeles, California
United States
Music Genre(s):
In a world.. where cookie cutter music is widely accepted and everyone sounds and looks alike for the sole purpose of fitting in, selling records and being accepted, in a small suburban Los Angeles neighborhood in Southern California, lies a small, independent music project called Filthy Orchestra. The sound generated by the Filthy O is mostly looked down on and bad mouthed by many of societys highest esteemed public figures. When listening, You may find yourself in the confused state commonly associated with listening to Filthy Orchestra at high volumes which will follow either a feeling of motivation or Trump like anger. When this occurs, all we ask is for you to share this music and its links with your friends on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or your preferred social media sites. And be sure to connect with us to the right and down below. Stay Filthy My Friends.

My Music

  • 1.
    So Filthy
  • 2.
    Come to Find Out
  • 3.
    On My Fantasy

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