Peak is a very interesting mix of individuals of different styles of music. Tom is a classically trained singer who has sang in operas and other musical works. He has even traveled over seas to Italy to perform. Pat is a classically trained acoustic guitarist who also plays electric. Pat also sings and sang with Tom in college. The two of them create a dual lead singer aspect to Peak. Wayne brings a alternative style to the band. Kris has played in rock bands and brings the louder rock style. Finally, Mike Jones and PJ Bassi brings the funk with their bass lines. All this put together and you get a great mix of music and a whole different sound then you have ever heard before. Peak’s new CD exemplifies this mix, every song has a different flavor and style. Peak formed back in 2003. Although some of the band members have changed over the years , Peak’s identity as a hard working Christian band has remained. The current band all started with lead singer and guitarist Pat Santala. In 2003, Pat met Tom at the University of Michigan Flint and asked him to join the band. Tom and Pat played in the band for a couple of years before Wayne joined them in 2005. Then, Mike Jones joined in 2008. Finally, Kris joined Peak in 2009 after he graduated from Tom’s high school choir class. Since then, Peak has played and have earned the respect of church members and pastors around the Mid-Michigan community. In 2008, Tom wrote his first song Lead You Home and has been working with Pat, Wayne, Kris and Mike to put together their first release. Now, they look forward to the future and hope for God’s grace and direction to continue leading them in His path.
My Music
My True Love
Take My Sin
My Child
Lead You Home
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Man I could listen to you all, all day. I love Christian music. Mike Sanders, CBUs founder found me playing bass for our church. Our whole band are Christians and boy does it make it so much easier to keep a band together as brothers.
Absolutely! Lets stay in touch!! We are doing two shows a year that we put on ourselves Uptown Winter Worship Concert in January (search Facebook) and Uptown Summer Praise Festival in August. You can reach me (I do all the management and booking) at
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great sound...keep praising the Lord
Merry Christmas! Our Savior is born!
Man I could listen to you all, all day. I love Christian music. Mike Sanders, CBUs founder found me playing bass for our church. Our whole band are Christians and boy does it make it so much easier to keep a band together as brothers.
Great music guys!
Mark Rister. Country Boys Union