Ray Hardison
  • Male
  • Gretna, VA
  • United States
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  • Mark Briggs
  • Bruno Requentel
  • Danny D Norman
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  • JT Hollis
  • Darren Rhodes
  • Sonny Lee
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  • Charles Joseph Moix
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  • Mike Sanders/ Country Boys Union
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Ray Hardison's Page

Profile Information

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Cowboy Ray Hardison
City & State
Gretna Virginia
Music Genre(s):
Music has been a part of my life all my life. Before I was two I had cowboy boot's a cowboy hat and my guitar was mamas wooden mixing spoon or anyfhing I could find to strum on. When I was nine my mother bought me my first real guitar and harmonica and I actually learned how to play them that year and I also was making up song's and writing them down and still have them today. I played my first gig at eleven and made five dollars in tips and that was the day I knew what I wanted do the rest of my life. I put together a band at fifteen with a couple of older guy's.I played wiyh a band for about a year then was asked by a local country band to play drums for them four hours every Saturday night for a $100 a month that was a lot of money for a kid in 1970, thats how I paid for my first car. I got some real good experience learning how to play drums and getting a taste of what it was like on a bigger stage but I really wanted to have a guitar in my hands and be singing the songs that I wrote so I put together a band playing local gig's around town. During that period I got a call from WBTM and they were hosting a teleathon for MD and I was asked if I would like to perform with Waylons brother Tommy Jennings I said yes and got to open for him then we did a couple of song's together. Shortly after that I hooked up with the Longhorn Rodeo. I had saved some money so I decided to cut a record of a song I wrote titled Life of a Texas Singer, WAKG in Danville was playing the song a lot so one night Hank Jr. played in Salem Va. and as they were leaving Salem his manager heard my song on WAKG so he called the station and got my number and called me about 2:00 am on Sunday morning and said he would like to met with me the next day so I met him in Rocky Mount Va. The following Thursday I went to Cullman Ala. to sign my first recording contract where I met Hank and Merle Kilgore and some of his band members. We put out another 45 and I hit the road opening up for various artist. Then in 1984 I hung it up for two reasons one we were getting ready to have a child and I wanted to be there for her and the other was I did not like the direction Country music was headed.

My Music

  • 1.
    I'm Poor Boy Country
  • 2.
    Whole Lotta Country with a Little Bit of R&R
  • 3.
    Not Enough Outlaw
  • 4.
    I Played to close to the Fire
  • 5.
    Old Habits
  • 6.
    Streamline Woman Revisited
  • 7.
    White Trash
  • 8.
    T for Texas Live
  • 9.
    Running Like an Outlaw
  • 10.
    A Couple of more Years
  • 11.
    Streamline Woman
  • 12.
    Making Outlaw Love
  • 13.
    I'm a Loner

Ray Hardison's Photos

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At 2:23am on October 4, 2011, FLASHBUDDHAI said…
At 11:53am on June 4, 2011, Darren Rhodes said…
Ray, when I was in my early 20's I was on a TV show here in Alabama called the Country Boy Eddie Show. I have been out of it for a while but trying to get back into the swing of things. I was the lead singer in my own band called DC and the Cheaha Wranglers.  This is a write up of the band from a local paper.  After a while I went to Nashville to record my CD titled: "Jesse Told Becky Goodbye" at KMA Records. I had the opportunity to share the stage a couple of times with Grand Ole Opry Star Ernie Ashworth, famous for the song Talk Back Trembling Lips.  The last place I performed live was at Loretta Lynns Ranch in Hurricane Mills, Tn. during a Song Writers Festival. Several things caused me to step back, such as family issues among other things. Now, I am trying to get back into it.
At 1:35pm on May 28, 2011, SharBaby Newport said…

Ray,  It is an honor to hear that compliment from you!!!!!!   You definately have a  big musical experience with some of the Greats!!!!!!    Again,  Thank you so much!!!!!!




At 1:20pm on May 28, 2011, Sonny Lee said…
Yea man, let me know. You have a blessed weekend.
At 11:58am on May 28, 2011, Sonny Lee said…
Hi Ray, tried to send you a message but it wouldn't go through.
At 11:56am on May 28, 2011, Sonny Lee said…
Hey Ray, Wow, GOD has blessed you !! Thank you for sharing that with me. I can't wait to hear your new music for the movie. I'm also a song writer with aroung 1000 songs. I range from standerd to rockin'country. I'm in the studio right now cutting a new single "Brakin' Bad" It's a country rock song.I do lean towards the rock side but I love all country. If you ever need anything, please just ask. Have a safe weekend & GOD BLESS... Sonny
At 9:47pm on May 27, 2011, Darren Rhodes said…
Thank you Ray
At 5:23pm on May 26, 2011, Sonny Lee said…
Thank you Ray !! GOD BLESS you brother, Rock On !!
At 4:24pm on May 26, 2011, SharBaby Newport said…

Hello Ray Hardison,

I  really like your Sound!!!!!!   Great Voice and Guitar Playing!!!!!   Thank you for becoming a friend here on Indie Music Channel!!!!!!   You have some Great songs and Lyrics also!!!!!!!   Keep on Keepin on!!!!!




At 2:41am on May 17, 2011, JT Hollis said…

Hey Roy,

Great to have you as a friend, thanks for the request. Look forward to getting to know ya. Keep it rockin!

JT Hollis



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