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I AM FENESS!!!!!!Check Me Out On Also On Facebook Where You Can Join My Real Mc's Music Group.........Or Jus Show Love.

Added by eric ceasar on May 4, 2011 at 2:31pm — No Comments

the kevin castator band

http:// are at # 15 on the calgary rock charts

help us reach #1 click the link  and join play share

thanks kevin castator

Added by kevin d castator on May 4, 2011 at 12:59pm — No Comments

Just to explain some things about Exkuizit.

Like my page says, I'm a young independent rapper from somerset kentucky. This mixtape I'm about to release is not my first, but my third, the first two were just kind of like practice. I started rapping about six months ago and i have came a long way in that time and i plan to go way farther before I ever think about stopping. Lyrical Terrorist is coming 5/10/11 be sure to check it out when it drops. Here is the track listing:


1. Prologue

2. Lyrical…


Added by Jonathan Duane Hargis on May 4, 2011 at 11:30am — No Comments

New review on HailsWebzine

Terrorway review - Absolute [ep] @ HailsWebzine a cura di Leja Siv Harju.

COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: Italy; a land of rich artistic heritage which has brought us the likes of GRAVEWORM, LACUNA COIL, RHAPSODY OF FIRE, CADAVERIA, and FLESHGOD APOCALYPSE can now add another band of sons to be reckoned with to its ever-growing list.

REVIEW SUBJECT: Absolute, the debut EP of TERRORWAY, a relatively new project born in February of 2009 that's making a grand entrance to the…


Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:04am — No Comments

Terrorway on Metal Maniac! (again)

Interview on April/2011 issue of Italian Heavy Metal magazine "Metal Maniac"!!!

Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:04am — No Comments

Terrorway review - Absolute [ep] @ metalofdeathzine a cura di Kosmos Reversum.

Colpiscono duro i sardi Terrorway, con il loro groove metal macchiato di thrash, HC e death metal di nuova generazione. Rabbia e potenza sono le prerogative di questo loro primo ep e biglietto da visita chiamato “Absolute”. Impressionano da subito alcuni aspetti del lavoro in questione, in primis una registrazione che oserei dire perfetta per il genere e una disinvoltura tipica di bands ben più rodate e “anziane”. 

A volte la formazione sembra davvero non avere molto da imparare dalle…


Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:03am — No Comments

New review on

Terrorway review - Absolute [ep] @ a cura di Andrea Gessa.

Mettono subito le cose in chiaro i Terrorway. Il loro “Absolute” è metallo cattivo, grintoso e suonato spaventosamente bene. La matrice è un metal core alla Lamb of God, ma la proposta del combo sardo va ben oltre inglobando elementi prog-metal che arricchiscono notevolmente il loro sound: l’opener track “Her last breath” scatena la violenza meccanica dell’industrial, con suoni molto metallici ed aperti, “Art…


Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:03am — No Comments

New review on

Terrorway review - Absolute [ep] @ a cura di Andrea Loforese.

Dall'isola che il mondo ci invidia, la Sardegna, arrivano determinati e arrabbiati i Terrorway. 

Ci propongono il loro EP, il secondo della carriera per l'esattezza, fatto di 5 brani che non lasciano tanto all'immaginazione. Un lavoro che sembra proprio voglia comunicarci qualcosa, coi titoli complessi, con le sonorità ipnotiche e linee vocali mai melodiche! Con “Her Last Breath” lasciano che tutto…


Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:02am — No Comments

New review on

Da San Gavino Monreale, Sardegna, ci arriva il primo Ep dei Terrorway. 

Cura nell’artwork e nella registrazione, i ragazzi si sono avvalsi in fase di mastering di Ettore Rigotti che i più di noi ricordano con i talentuosissimi Disarmonia Mundi, fanno subito capire di che pasta è fatta questa band; i quattro ci propongono un “modern aggresive metal”, così lo definiscono, una miscela esplosiva dove trovi accenni di Meshuggah, Mnemic, Chimaira, Lamb of God et similia. 

Cinque pezzi che…


Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:02am — No Comments

Terrorway review - Absolute [ep] @

Il groove e la forza che sprigionano questi ragazzi sardi è davvero grande, bisogna riconoscerlo. Quando 'Absolute' parte siamo come investiti da un camion di riff, una valanga di chitarre che ci assalgono come presi da un raptus a là Pantera. L'opener ce lo fa capire subito già per lo stacco a metà canzone che mischia nuovamente le carte in tavola, giocando su un riff dissonante quanto basta per concludere la canzone in modo insolito, speciale. Per l'intera durata dell'EP la… Continue

Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:02am — No Comments

New review on Metal Maniac

Review on February/2011 issue of Italian Heavy Metal magazine "Metal Maniac"!!!

Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 10:01am — No Comments

New review on

Violento esordio per i sardi Terrorway con questo Ep “Absolute”. Il sound riporta alla mente i Pantera (soprattutto la voce) ed i Lamb Of God principalmente; un buon mix di tecnica, velocità ed aggressività.

L'Ep si presenta subito in maniera diretta, un piccolo intro di batteria ed inizia l’attacco di "Art Of Discernment" con una voce ruggente, riff veloci ed un ritornello che rimane in testa. La linea vocale si alterna nel ritornello tra grezza e pulita e una parte che rende molto… Continue

Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 9:59am — No Comments

Release Ep Absolute

The new EP entitled "Absolute" will be release in Europe on the 5th November 2010.
The cd was recorded and mixed by Terrorway and Villy Cocco at V- Studio during March-April 2010 and mastered by Ettore Rigotti at "The Metal House" during September 2010.
"Absolute" will contain 5 songs for about 25 minutes of music.

Added by Terrorway on May 4, 2011 at 9:58am — No Comments

Sponcer from Bonafide

“Pop star Founded at Bonafide Building Approvals”

Added by Tarryn Brooke on May 4, 2011 at 9:17am — No Comments

Great Singer

“Jamie Redfern Absolutely love this track Tarryn - very classy. For some (good) reason it reminds me very much (style wise) of a great singer/songwriter who did amazingly well in the 70's named Gilbert O'Sullivan”

Added by Tarryn Brooke on May 4, 2011 at 9:14am — No Comments

Real Talent

“The kid is bloody fantastic Paul, a real talent - as you could probably imagine, I get tons of similar demo's sent to me each week for an opinion and Tarryn is the first and only one I believe has what it takes to make it in the industry. Give Tarryn my best please mate and I'm happy for you to copy and paste my comments into an email for her to see.” …


Added by Tarryn Brooke on May 4, 2011 at 9:00am — No Comments

PAIN SQUAD MUSIC up coming artists (D-PRO)

Pain Squad MusicDwight PalmerD-ProAbout D-ProD-pro other wise known as pro born January 17, 1982 and grew up in Mandeville. Music was his first love, which was evident back in his school days when he used to write songs Melodies and lyrics seemed to flow from him and he would always find himself dejaying, rapping, singing and even (free styling-mind thinking) at his pass schools events, at home and around his friends his music is about life’s pain and struggles as well as uplifting people’s… Continue

Added by D-pro on May 4, 2011 at 8:05am — No Comments

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