To get a Grammy is to get noticed by ones piers. It has not to do with record sales, popularity polls, great marketing, or anything but the merit of a product produced by an artist voted on by those who have actually proven success in doing the same thing. This makes it a great award to receive as well as becoming a voting member.

Nikki Hornsby is a grammy voting member and has been helping others rise to that same level.

Take time to listen to the radio interviews online 

and then listen to her 30 commercially released original songs. A few can be found through YouTube support too like "Just Wait"


But this is one artists who is accessible and available to help others too. Read about her lifelong career or BING / GOOGLE her name.


One of Nikki Hornsby's songs went to #27 May 2011 on the charts "Flyin Over Sweet Alabama"

too. Each of her songs is different and the levels in her production follow a solid positive line of merit but go listen for yourself.

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