Honored on Channel 8 News and Fox News Network http://rochesterhomepage.net/fulltext/?nxd_id=329312

 Aired several times  July 9, 2012 5, 6,10,11,1:00 news on  both stations ! Great interview and played live :) 

 Surprised  with  1,000 scholarship from the  First Inaugural Upstanders Scholarship  from The MIss NY Pageant  June 16, 2012! Awarded by  Miss NY  2011, Kaitlin Monte herself ! Also Senator Klein was present since the  Jamey Rodemyer anti cyber bullying bill was passed. Tivoli took part in gathering signatures for this  and submitted them to  get th e bill passed. It was a thrill to be on the stage with  Kaitlion,  all of the contestants,& Senator Klein.  Please watch video  on  Youtube and  the  news cast on the  link above :)  Tivoli Skye is entering 12th grade this year, and  her slogan is  Stand up & Stand Out! Watch for more developments in her future !

http://NorthCountrynow.com/calendar.saturday July 14, 2012  4-5:15

WBNY  19, 2012 evening  7:00 to air live1

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