With a theme of light, love and finding your way, the all new "Lighthouse" album delivers eleven all new compositions that soar as musical guides along the infinite journey of life through sound.

Available for purchase as a CD from

Bandcamp.com (includes immediate digital download)



and direct from Melodic Revolution Records


Available as a digital download from




and soon from many other fine digital music outlets!


"Lighthouse" represents John's first full length release on Melodic Revolution Records. To read more about the details of the "Lighthouse" album be sure and check out John's in depth blog about the release on his Wordpress Blog.


In other news, John is now co-hosting an all new internet radio show with Nick Katona of Melodic Revolution Records on Aiiradio.net every Wednesday at 11:00am CST / 12:00pm EST. The show is called "Inside the Music" an Industry and fan driven show with special guests covering topics that range from recording to promotion and everything in between. Each week will feature new music by unsigned bands and solo artists. Join John & Nick in the chat room and become a part of the conversation at http://chat.aiiradio.net/ or listen in on your iPhone or other smart phone 3g plus or higher at: http://mobile.livestream.com/aiiradionet.

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