"La Muerte de Rodrigo Borgia" Wants to Become an Animated Video


Vigogabelah is a mexican band with diverse influences. The band has been self-financed since its beginning. The recording of the EP took a little bit more than a year due to funding. We discovered IndieGoGo a couple months ago and though we could give it a shot for our second music video.

Vigogabelah is:

CrómPëfk is a mexican animation company. Its two core members produce videos with top notch quality. Check out their demo reel as well as other videos from their portfolio.

We need to get funding to produce the animated video for "La Muerte de Rodrigo Borgia" (Death of Rodrigo Borgia). With your help, will be able to reach our goal, which will cover pre-production/production/post-production costs.

You can support us starting from $1USD for a single song up to $100USD to become an animated character & get producer's credit on the video. Read what we offer on each of our different perks.

At this point you might be wondering what does the song talk about?

"La Muerte de Rodrigo Borgia" (Death of Rodrigo Borgia) does not even mention Rodrigo's name during the song, we decided to use his name to represent a generic tyrant.
We live difficult times: corruption, tyrants, violence, illegality are matters of every day.
People become richer by stepping the underprivileged, by killing the weak.
Our song condemns greedy tyrants, bad hearted people, murderers, genocidal in general

The idea for the video is to have a main character who is a tyrant who dies, and during his funeral people won't look sad at all. All of the sudden, the earth cracks and a small demon pops out, it grabs the body and takes it to hell. 

In hell the tyrant will suffer tortures sponsered by different demons, each one of them will hand the tyrant to a taller demon... in the end, all the money he stole, all the people he killed would not matter, he won't be saved.

After being moved through different levels of hell, he would finally arrive to the major demon and without listening to his pleads the devil will eat him.

Lyrics and Translation

Un alma suplicando Por compasión (A soul pleading for compassion)

No tienes salida tu hora llego (There's no exit your time has come)

Te aprovechaste de la maldad (You took advantage being Evil)

En un momento la vida se te va (In a blink your life is gone)

Tu sabes que no es casualidad (it is no coincidence)

En esta vida si algo tienes que pagar (if you have something to pay in this life)

No tiene remedio la muerte acabara por cobrarlela (you'll pay in death)

Un hombre que se oculta en un rincon (A man hiding in a corner)

No hay donde esconderse tu tiempo acabo (No place to hide your time is up)

De nada sirve pedir perdon (It is useless to ask forgiveness)
Tu solo muerto recurres al Perdon (Only about to die you ask forgiveness)

Mal empezaste y terminas mal (You started wrong and ended worse)

En tu camino no hay ni una Piedra mas (There's nothing else left)

Ladron asesino mereces lo Peor (thief, murderer youdeserve the worst)
Que tanto daño hiciste? (How much damage you did?)

En tu entierro a nadie se vio llorar (At your funeral noone cried)

Entre el luto y la flor (Among the mourning and the flower)

La dicha del corazon (The joy of the heart)

Muerte, una bendicion cuando decidio llevarte la muerte (A blessing when the death decided to take you)

Y es que es un placer la satisfaccion de ya no tenerte (it's a joy, a pleassure not to have you anymore)

Y esque en este mundo se ven (In this world there are)

Millones como tu (millions like you)

De fuego sera tu ataud. (Your casket will be of fire)

Y de azucar es el de aquellos que siempre se portaron bien (while good people's coffin will be made out of sugar)
No te lamentes despues (Don't regret it later)

No pronuncies tanto ruego, Para que? (There's no use for so much prayer)

No es la primera vez (It wasn't the first time you did it)

No te fuera a conocer. (I knew you quite well)

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