Nice  intrerviewer Mike :) ,  Played 2 songs live & two from cd:) 1/2 hr spot -  met cool producers,  college campus :)

 Gave away  some demos - doing  the things suggested, playing in other cities Potsdam Summerfestival,made demos with a voice over ,working on snippets made one so far, still working on a web site though- Print or "Ink" been in the paper several times since, on news 12 times( two stations), won surprise Upstanders award from Miss Ny Kaitlin Monte @  Miss Ny Pageant- Photo shoot today,carrying on with the causes & recording a new cd! Made a lot of friends  and played with a  new musician to me Evan Prewitt ! Co writing with a few people as well- so we shall see-  starting a new job tomorrow  at the mall!  


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