Douglass Sloan


Jacksonville, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Artist's or Band's Name
City & State
Jacksonville, Florida
Music Genre(s):
Rock, Metal, Experimental Guitar Instrumentals
Hi, I'm Douglass Sloan, aka Mista SCARY. I play guitar, and record my music, edit it, mix it, and produce my brand of dark, melodic, emotional guitar instrumentals. I first started guitar at 15, and played on my sister's acoustic, until I got my first electric at 16. I took some lessons to get me started, but felt like I needed more. Then put my guitar down in my mid 20's, when I was getting my life in order,with marriage, moving, traveling. Then picked up guitar again in my 30's, and jumped at the chance to learn from one of my guitar heroes, George Lynch. He started an online guitar school called The DOJO, where you learn his take on guitar, and how he views the neck,ask for advice from him and his guitar tech, Gerry, and learn from other students as well. This really has opened up my playing, and haven't turned back since !!! Since then I formed my own band, recorded 2 full length albums, and am currently working on my 3rd album.
I feel that playing guitar gives me my creative outlet, that allows me to express myself fully on how I'm feeling, and what I'm going through from day to day life. My greatest wish would be to inspire others, like I was inspired. I hope that you enjoy what I'm doing, and where I'm going with my music. Thanks for listening.

Comment Wall:

  • Mike Brasher

    Catfish Cheese is on Indie Music Channel. I am here to invite you to our profile to hear what you have been missing, and remember... "Its always bedda with some catfish chedda".
  • Hooks for Ladders

    Thanks for connecting with us, we really appreciate it!

  • Angela Huan


    Happy Holidays and Thank you for being our friend