Charles Joseph Moix

Conway, AR

United States

Profile Information:

City & State
Conway, AR
Music Genre(s):
I'm a 52 year old songwriter, that has chosen to share his music with the world!

Comment Wall:

  • Steven G. Eads

    Hi Charlie!
  • Steven G. Eads

    Gonna drop by your RN page soon and listen to the new songs. Blessings!
  • Mike Brasher

    Catfish Cheese is on Indie Music Channel. I am here to invite you to our profile to hear what you have been missing, and remember... "Its always bedda with some catfish chedda"
  • Tania Nicholson

    Thanks.  I tried to find you on ReverbNation with no luck.  Are you going to put any of music on this page?  I'd love to give it a listen.
  • Tania Nicholson

    Thanks for the link!  I stopped by Reverb and left you a comment: "I love that you are so versatile!  I started with "You will always live in my soul" and then went to to "Come back awake" and they are so completely different.  Great job!  If you are writing for other artists, you are offering such a nice variety.  God bless and keep writing!"

    Thanks for your friendship.


  • christina morretti

    ...hey! thank you, i didnt even remember i have it on here,. i have to start shaping up and pick up to speed... thank you,. "the band of joy" lay'd the music and Billy Smiley (white heart) helped me put it together..
  • Kristen Lynn

     thanks for listening to my music for one , and two thanks for the nice comment

    Greetings Charles!


    Just stopping by to show some love...

    Shine some LIGHT...

    And thank you for becoming a fan!

    I am delighted that you love PLASTIC PEOPLE..

    I want you to know that I enjoyed GRAND DAD'S BALLAD

    It made me think of man that truly knew the LORD!

    The music and strory touched my heart...


    Peace & Blessings!

    Dorie Pride.

  • Nataliya Medvedovskaya

    Hi, Charlie, great to meet you here! Best wishes for the summer! :)


  • Nataliya Medvedovskaya


  • Frank Chiafari

    Great channel here. I'm listening to "Spoke in a wheel" Great song.  I'm coming back for more


  • Tivoli Skye

    LOve the workin man blues!!!  You got it right work till you croak! ...totally  stinks !  But great song !
  • Evrim Baykal

    Thanx Charlie!  

    Feelin' your's as well.  Atlas steady pushing the boulder up the mountain.  

  • Julie Taylor

    Wishing you all the best.Keep up the great work.Jules Taylor
  • anne davis

    thanks, charlie! i really appreciated your kind, encouraging words....glad you enjoyed what you heard. please feel free to make yourself at home on my artist website if you'd like to dig a little deeper. []...blessings on your own musical endeavors! warmly, -anne davis
  • Julie Taylor

    Crystal clear vocals and a truly unique sound.Great guitar work.Fantastic.Wishing you all the very best Charlie.Kind Regards Julie

  • Tivoli Skye

    Hi saw you as a featured artist somewhere this week, just wanted to let you know I saw you !
  • Tricia

    Thanks for the nice comment!
  • Briz Mar

    Thanks! for your friendship and the beautiful comment


  • Jurgen Demeyere

    Hi Charlie, Thank you so much for your nice comment!

    For more music you can go to :

    Love your music too!! ;-)


  • David Allen

    Hi Charlie,

    thanks so much for the Friendrequest and I am pleased to welcome you on my page. Look forward to your comments and good friendship on Indie Music Chanel.
    Wish you a nice Sunday

    Keep on Rock´n´Touch


  • Monica Monet Coleman

    Monica Monet Here , Thanks for the Love and Support !


  • June Beth Marshall

    Thank you so much for your compliment


  • June Beth Marshall

    I like your music


  • cristen grey

    Thanks for the friendship! Nice stuff!
  • Bruno Requentel

    "Woo Hoo"

    Thanks for your attention...Merci pour votre attention..; 


  • Trixx Project

    Hi!!!! Glad to stay with you...
  • Praying Mantis Theory

    Thanks for checking us out. Don't forget to get a copy of our cd from iTunes and let your friends know about us.
  • Deborah Magone

    Thank You Charles ! Diggin' your music & your lyrics too (Spoke In A Broken Wheel), right on ! If you get a chance check out my song "It's All About Money" on



    For Your Consideration



    54th Grammy Awards!

    "Rock & Kick Your Ass Blues!"


  • Magda Kaminski

    Thank you!!!
  • Kitty LaLa

    Thanks babe, but my eyes are hazel.



    The Drummer

  • Deborah Magone

    Right on Charles !! THank You for Your kind words ! :) BBBbbbbuZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz
  • Magda Kaminski

  • Teri Norton-Feaser

    Good to be here & se you too!!!



    BTW.. I wouldn't mind singing some of your songs, if you'd like me too...especially Broken Wheel.  Just send me the instrumentals & lyrics as well as your vocal tracks.

  • Teri Norton-Feaser

    We are both looking for the same thing!!!!


    All the best luck I can offer to you.


    You are a very talented artist!!!


  • David Allen

    Hi my new friend Charles,

    Thanks for the friend request. Am pleased to welcome you on my page!

    Keep on Rock´n´Touch


  • Suicide Bunnies!!

    Thank you for making the world a better place with your music. Happy Holidays> Network with us> Lets share the Love. Anton> Suicide Bunnies!!

  • Roger Häggström

    Thanks for stopping by, glad you like our music!

  • christina morretti

    thank you so much,. havent been on here for so long,. its fightful!.. but thank you, i appreciate the comment,. poison ivy was "musicafied" by my dear friend byron house and the "band of joy" robert plant.. its one of my best i love it too and glad you enjoyed it ;))