Greg Caldwell


Austin, TX

United States

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Greg Caldwell
City & State
Austin, Texas
Music Genre(s):
Believe it or not, Greg's first performance was in front of 10,000 people at the Oklahoma State FFA convention. What a break in to the music business! The convention had announced to all the chapters that they were going to be opening with live music, so Greg mustered a few other FFA buddies and put together a little band called The Four Boys Band. They were selected to open the convention with 2 songs and Greg was hooked.

According to Greg the whole process actually started with a knee injury, "Actually, the whole thing only came together due to an injury I had during track, which put me on the sidelines for the season and left me with idle time. It was the best injury I ever had." After the convention, The Four Boys band entered a contest or two and played several venues in central Oklahoma. Greg says, "We even played in the bar where it is rumored that Garth Brooks bought the song, "Friends in Low Places". Eventually the decision of college vs. the band came so Greg headed south chasing "warmer weather, a college education, and of course, beautiful Texas women." After graduating from the University of Texas with a degree in Finance and International Business, he headed straight to graduate school for a quick year and a half in Phoenix.

After Graduating from the American Graduate School of International Management with a Masters Degree, Greg was ready to get back to Texas, "Phoenix was nice, but I couldn't wait to get back to Texas, so back I came to discover my career." In 2001, with a finance career firmly established, Greg decided it was time to seriously pursue music.

After spending a few months singing and playing 'open mic' nights around Austin, he eventually helped found a band. They went by the name of "Greg Caldwell and Texas Tradition". The band played a lot right from the start and was fortunate enough to open for another local band in bars all over the Austin area. Eventually "Texas Tradition" lost their drummer and that run came to an end. Shortly thereafter Greg met Mark Heinrich, the founder and leader of the well known Austin based band called Cheyenne.

Mark and Greg embarked on a new venture together and that alliance eventually morphed into Greg's current band, the Greg Caldwell Band. Greg says that he feels privileged to be playing with his current talented line up, "I am very excited about the project and look forward to a lot of serious pickin' and grinnin' in Central Texas and wherever else the road may lead."

Music downloads are available at

Comment Wall:

  • Johnny STRAWS

    Welcome Greg,

    ~Johnny STRAWS

  • rev.randy farmer

    Good to see ya brother thanks for being a friend.  come see me at  also  god bless


  • Christopher Ewing

    Hey Greg, great music!

  • Ann P Munday

    I look forward to listening to your music.

  • Ann P Munday

    Your album is excellent.  Are you represented?

  • Mitchell Poor

    well balanced music Greg!  

  • TyroneBates

    hay  man; it  is nice  to  meet  you;  keep  up  the  good  work; good  luck.

  • TyroneBates

    hay  man; it  is  nice  to  meet  you; keep  up  the  good  work; good  luck.

  • Randy Busbridge

  • TyroneBates

    thank you grey for your commrnt' best wishes to you with your music' good luck

  • Ann P Munday

    My regular email is

  • Crisis Mr. Swagger

    Hi Greg,

    Thank you for the Friend Request. Accepted. Have a good one.


    <img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEzMzIyNzczMzU4NTEmcHQ9MTMzMjI3NzMzODQ*NiZwPTI3MDgxJmQ9dHVuZVdpZGdldF9maXJzdF9nZW4mZz*xJm89/YTU2Mjg4MGU1ZjA4NDY1NGE3YjU4M2IzYTIwOGJiZTcmb2Y9MA==.gif" /> <br/><a href="" onclick="javascript:window.location.href=&quot;;; return false;"><img alt="Sample band press kits" border="0" height="19" src="" width="434" /></a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="" />

  • Crisis Mr. Swagger

    Hi Greg, I see what the hype in your Bio. is about now.
    You have a great voice and delivery. Keep the great work.

    Sample band press kits

  • Judith Miller Band

    thanks for your friendship...take care and play on

  • Ronald Sillito

    Thank-You Very Much Greg, Really Appreciate it...>Ron..>



    Thank you so much! Your support is appreciated! Keep reaching for the top! xoxoxoxo Melia
  • Ronald Sillito

    Hi Greg, Thanks For the Note...I'm Afraid I won't be able to go Down to LA, for the Awards Ceremony, It would be Very Nice but wouldn't you know it, I'm Scheduled for Surgery here on the 24th of April...Normally, I Could Probably Re-Schedule it, But It's Pretty Important, and I had to Wait almost a Year to have it...It kind of P***** me off, been a while since I've been down there, I know it would be a lot of fun. When your down there Greg, tell the important People, Why I couldn't come..Ha, Ha...I will send Christopher a note to....Thank-You Sooo Much Greg, and I'll keep in touch...Your Friend Ron...From Canada...>   

  • Ronald Sillito

    Hi Greg, Did You get the Comment I Just sent You??? I May have Screwed up..>>

  • Ronald Sillito

    Thank-You Soooo Much Greg, I Really Appreciate it....Good Luck, My Friend...>Ron..>

  • SharBaby Newport

    Hello Greg,

    Thank you for your friendship here on Indie Music Channel!!!!!   I Love Your Voice and Style!!!!!!!    Very Professional!!!!! Congatulations on Your Nominations!!!!!!  Hope to meet you there!!!!!

    Peace & Happiness


  • Cling

    Hi Greg thanks for adding us

    Like us on facebook and we will do the same for you

    Best wishes

    CLING xx

  • SharBaby Newport

    Hey Greg!

    Thank you so much!!!!!!  You are a Superb Singer!!!!!  You deserve the Best!!!!   Best of Luck on Your coming Nomination!!!!!   This really is exciting!!!!! 

    Peace & Happiness


  • Stevie Hawkins

    Congratulations for your nomination! Wishing you all the best!

  • Stevie Hawkins

    Congratulations for your nomination! Wishing you all the best!

  • Didier Euzet Composer

    Thank you very much for friendship... I like this opportunity to share our worlds...
    The Life of a man is made up of a series of dreams which write our history, as well as our children, who then start to write their own. I decided to continue writing mine as soon as I began to dream in early childhood. One doesn't need to stop the journey along the way.
    It is necessary to believe that the stars which light our way will never go out, and to continue to follow our dreams which inspire us in the most beautiful moments of our lives. If not, why is my star helping me to write so many fine melodies? I composed a suite for my dream, called " Melody for an Oscar", and I am convinced that one day someone will help me to reach for that Oscar in Hollywood, which I have always imagined in my dreams. No matter what, my dreams have enhanced my musical creativity, and for that I am thankful.
    Enjoy !
    Didier Euzet

  • Cling

    Thanks for Being a friend

    We are also on Facebook

    If you have a music / fan page “like” ours and let us know and we will do the same for you


    CLING xx

  • Sweet Claudette (Harrell-Manning

    It's In The Way .... is such an emotional, moving lyrics AND video. You and your presentation are amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed the song & VID. I wish you nothing but success in your career. Shouldn't take you long to be at the top of your game (genre')


    Sweet Claudette Harrell (IMC Artist)

  • Greg Caldwell

    Hi Sweet Claudette!  So nice to have met you in person this week end!  Congratulations on your successes!  It was a great time in LA!

  • SharBaby Newport

    Hey Greg!!!

    Congratulations on Your Wins!!!!!  I am sooo sorry that I did not get to talk to you at the Awards!!!!!  Everything was in a Whirlwind!!!!  But you know that you were one of my favorites!!!!!   Maybe we will meet some other time!!!!!   Keep up that Great Sound!!!!

    Peace & Happiness


  • Tivoli Skye

    Congratulations we did have a ggreat time didn't we- what an amazing event !!!!

     Trying to get pictures and videos done- lots of work- SAT's tomorrow - lots of exams- recording Sunday for my new album.  

       See you next year :)

  • Tivoli Skye

     Thank you so much too-  really great time !  Such a great forrum to meet everybody - :)

     Tivoli Skye :)

  • Tivoli Skye

    wow so wonderful 4 awards !!! would love to know what you think of my music, truthfully- I won an award for my demo- story of our lives-  abou tthe Holocaust. Tell me what you think.

     Thanks for writing me. It is nice to meet you here and I had a great time while in LA too!

     Best, Tivoli Skye <3