Tivoli Skye


North Hollywood, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Tivoli Skye *
Indie Music Fan's Name
Skye Dwellers!
City & State
North Hollywood, California
Music Genre(s):
Pop,Folk,Alternative,Folktronica,Country Rock,Easy Listening,Soundtrack.
www.tivoliskye.com I am a survivor of Bullying,& advocate of others have a passion 4 change using my music as a catalyst I have accomplished some of my goals & continue to reach higher.I would like my music 2 b known as deep,empathic,fun, moving & a voice of the heart.December 4,2013 moved West 2 pursue my dreams. I've worked w/ the Disabled & dimensia patients. Recent accomplishments:
Nominated 7 X's in 6 categories in top 5 for songwriter awards.
Article-"Tivoli Skye's Big Summer"Messenger Post June 27, 2013 Cover, and A5 & A8 http://www.henriettapost.com/features/x1808707971/Tivoli-Skyes-big-...
Nominated & winner in category- Youth Guided "Got Dreams" award May 9, 2013 @ Eisenhart Auditorium
Also VERY Grateful to win several Awards @ IMC!
April'13 Nominated 14 X's in 12 categories IMC Awards.Winner of 4 - Best Teen Alt.Artist " Break Me" Best Alt. recording " don't Make me Wait", Best easy listening Demo " Painted Glass", Best Demo of the year " Painted Glass";2012 Awarded Best Demo for "Story of our Lives"
December5, 2012,Named Teen Spokesperson of The Karen Klein/Moscow Ballet Foundation.
Recipient of "Do The Right Thing" Award from Rochester Police Dept. Oct. 2012:)
Now on WFHR Radio!
Accepted on "Diva Status" Radio Rotation/Wutz Hood Radio!
Interview on RaterBugs First Lady Bug chit-chat win 25.00 & cd's! www.raterbug.com/radio http://www.radiotuner.mobi/raterbugradio http://www.facebook.com/RaterBugradio.
Live Interveiw on CBS Fox news/channel 8-w/ Cierra Putman/Kevin Doran http://rochesterhomepage.net/fulltext?nxd_id=329312
So surprised @ Miss NY Pageant,Kaitlin Monte Miss NY awarded me the First Miss NY State Foundation "Upstanders Scholarship" for 1,000! For anti bullying stance & using my music to help others, what an honor !
Won award for Best Teen Demo-for Story of our lives.Tivoli Skye Nom.5 categories Indie Music channel "Best Teen Female artist, Best Teen Spng,& Best Young Pop artist!.
Anti cyberbullying law passed! June 2012
New single "I Don't care"featured @ The UpRising against Bullying,abuse,& for suicide prevention-"Stand up & Stand out!Featured on WHEC TV 10 Thurs.3/8/12. 10 Orgs rep,collected signatures 4 Jameys law against cyberbullying 4 Senator Klein.Tivoli Skye's EP"Adventures of a Teenage LIfe" dropped 5/28/11 to a full house @ Lovin cup.
Article in Rochestercitynewspaper.com/adventuresofateenagelife.
Heard on WBZA on the 5/22nd,also on 2rdj & TripleHfm.com/au on the 5/28,also on WBER.
Included in top 10 on The Radio Cafe lasting approx. 6 weeks into top 3!
Downloads avail. @ cdbaby.com/cd/tivoliskye.
At sweet 16 released first single "Promise" 4/12/11.
I was born musically creative,@ 4 years old started formal Piano lessons.I loved to play & sing for everyone,standing on stools,laundry baskets,& chairs singing my heart out.Among these were songs my parents were singing @ the time;Caro mio ben,Ocessate.My Great Grandmother,& Grandparents specifically enjoyed these since both sang Opera & show tunes.My Great Grandmother was Michaela in Carmen of which she still,@ 98,has the article to attest to it. My Grandparents met @ Church & were both in the choir,my Great Grandfather was the choirmaster also my Great Granmother(Mothers side, Grandmother,7 Great Aunts on Grandfathers side all sang in the choir,w/Great Grampa also being the Organist!There is much more to the families singing abilities & natural performance talents including Aunts,Uncles & cousins of several generations. I also have family on my Fathers side/well known musicians & singers in Italy & Australia/Arizona. I enjoy almost every genre of music & like to combine sounds/genre's in my own unique way.I had stopped playing piano @ 11 because I wanted to play the guitar.My Parents were shocked when I had decided to sing & play @ my 6th grade talent show-my own song on guitar.Donning my red cowgirl hat,jeans & boots,I played the first time for my parents,my secret song "Unbroken & Free" for around 600 people, so thrilled that everyone was Astounded! No one else wrote & played their own original song. I had earlier in the summer had written & sung for my parents a song I wrote for entering Middle school called "Movin' on in Life" however I never recorded it.
I wrote several more songs,when Aunt Natascha & Uncle Jeremy visited on her laptop.We held up in the basement for hours emerging w/my first album " Faded"! We sent copies to WBER,they not only played "Unbroken & Free"but played all songs from "Faded"@ 13!
6 mos. later I released "Just Me" complete w/my own artwork on the cover.
I've since been interviewed on many radio shows.1rst was WBZA "The Buzz" Sunday Night Shakedown" @ age 14,youngest ever on the show w/ Frank DeBlase!
Played live/interviewed Podcast episode 206,lasting 11 1/2 min.
Then WBER,WRUR,3 moreWBZA,WBSU 89.1 "The Point".Also did some short blurbs " This is Tivoli,& you are listening to WBSU,89.1"The Point"!( @ 15)
"The Democrat & Chronicle","Alive with the Sounds of Music".in 8th grade interviewed by Ashwin Verghese.
Opened Summerfestival in Potsdam,New York @13.
That winter started playing my own gigs,playing covers & my owb music @ Starbucks for hot chocolate & tips.
Soon after @The Lovin' Cup She soon had own gig for singer/songwriters (13).
Opened for"Loveful Heights","Left on Red","Teagan & The Tweeds.At 13 entered Lovin cup idol,youngest by approx.5yrs.Becoming #7 of 52!
Played @ Barnes & Noble,Borders,Sacred Grounds, chosen to Busker @ The Eastman School of Music,Opened for"Something Else"& accompanied 4 some covers@ Easy on East,age 15.
I ended the year 12/30/10 with my own gig @Lovin Cup.
Released single "Promise" 4/12/11,11th/top 40 Tween Pop Radio in 2 wks.Release Pop,EP "Adventures of a Teenage Life" rec.age 15,released 5/28/11 age 16.
Finished remake of her 2007 copyrighted song Painted Glass. I have participated in many fund raisers including "The Rochester Broadway Theatre League""Celebrate Change for alt. for battered women, Fashion week for YOuth Bureau, Swat Kids, Jamey Rodemyer Bill anti cyberbullying, stand up and stand out!, stand up guys", water for the sudan, hospice and more.
I've been likened to"A one woman Greenday,Jewel,Taylor Swift,Annie Lennox,& Sinead O'Connor" However, I do have my own hook & style.
I was included in Lovin Cup fund raiser for Breast Canceras a former idol-doing so in my grandmother Mustacas memory,contributed to Loveful Heights/children in India.Assisted @ Equicenter for the disabled children/young adults,raised funds for Battered Womens Shelter,Stand Up Guy's,part of A City @ Peace,On Town Asset Team,wrote & played a song for Holocaust survivor,& played @ Hospice fundraiser, hosted/played recent UpRising against Bullying latest single "I Don't Care"."Promise"single was released 4/12/11,one of the 5 on "Adventures of a Teenage Life".An article in City Newspaper"Adventures of a Teenage Life",& many more interviews from Australia,Scotland,Wisconsin,etc.

Comment Wall:

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  • Dale Strand

    Thank you! Your music is definitely on the "cutting edge!" 

  • Justine Walker

    Thanks for the friend add(:
  • Brooke Rose

    Thanks for the message!!

  • Dave McGrath

    Hi Tivoli, thanks for the request,  you should stop out to my open mic at TC Hooligans Webster some Tuesday.  Best,

  • Magisty - Gjvee

    Thanks for the add!  Stay connected and be a part of the Qst4gr8Ness!

  • William Fuller

    Great jams!

  • William Fuller

    Hello again. Thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed my music. All I can tell you about music licencing is #1: MAKE SURE that your music is copyrighted. some poeple might tell you other ways to go about doing so but the only real and official way to get a legal copyright on your song/songs is to visit the united states copyright office's website(http://www.copyright.gov/). #2:you need to pick if you want to publish your songs yourself(that will save to money but most people do not have the connections to a vast amount of people) or if you wan't to pay someone(like Itunes or CD Baby, etc.) to do it for you.

     From a band or songwriter's perspective, music licensing is granting the right to use one's copyrighted music for use in different media like radio, TV shows, commercials, videos, and websites.   The band or songwriter would be the music licensor if they are the owner of copyrighted music.  The music licensee is the person or company that has been granted the right to use this music.  Music Licensing helps bands & songwriters to get paid for the use of their music that they have worked so hard to create. 

    There are many different ways music can be licensed.  We will attempt to describe how your band can find out more information on getting your music licensed online.  Below you will find a variety of online music licensing websites.  These sites can offer your music online to companies who may buy music licensing for TV, film, advertising, commercials, websites, radio, and more.  Think of these online internet companies as middle men who have the website technology to both add music from bands (licensee) and offer this music to interested entities (licensors).  The internet has opened up many opportunities for bands and songwriters to license their music online. 

    Research the different online music licensing companies below.  Each company may offer different ways to license music and may have fees associated with their services.  Some online music licensing companies may set initial fees to add your music or take a percentage of any music licensing offers for your music.  Please take the time to research each specific company of interest and check out their FAQ sections, fee structures, and how they license music.

    1). http://www.bmi.com/

    2). http://www.sesac.com/

    3). http://www.ascap.com/licensing



    www.youtube.com has a lot of videos on this subject so go and search for more and look for reviews and opinions. you have to be very careful when having someone or company publish your music for you because some are armature and don't hold to there end of the bargain and in turn you get screwed out of money, time and effort. I hope this helped. Good luck on your musical journey and take it easy as the breeze blows girl. Peace!

     -William Fuller-

  • Pierre Lemieux

    I love all your songs,: Like Break me, Promise, I am yours...It's easy listening soft rock music...you will be very successful soon...keep doing the great work...Ciao

  • Raja MyOwnSwagg Perry



  • Pierre Lemieux

    Tiv, i am glad you are having fun on the Ontario lake (i presume)...I used to have a boat in Montreal i had a pair of ski nautique but i never tried it...lol...did you get a tube rash...lol? hey, I have seen a thread by william Fuller on your comment wall check it out www.copyright.gov/ www.ascap.com/licensing

  • Pierre Lemieux

    Go to your profile page he is right below the comment i made "I love all your songs" on July 21st, I can see it at 11:55 am on July 19 William Fuller said...are you blind as a bat?..LOL 

  • Raja MyOwnSwagg Perry


  • Pierre Lemieux

    I just did put my songs on it iw as trying to find time to figure it out...thanks for the tips ...Super Tivvy

  • Pierre Lemieux

    i can't put triinno muzic here because they are not on indie music channel...

  • squeeler jake

    Hi tivoli

    Thank u for the friendship here, hope u are well? xx

  • Pierre Lemieux

    yes,that's great thanks for sending the lyrics they are so beautiful...thanks it helped me to understand it better because i need a sense of orientation of where i wanna start and finish without loosing the main focus of the song...it's not easy to do...but for the most it 's doing...I really like the song "Story of our lives" i can hear it as a rock version in my head it would be so cool...to do a rock version of it...

  • Pierre Lemieux

    yeah i know the video recording sucks...iphone i think it was or are you talking about the one at Venice beach?

  • squeeler jake

    Hi tivoli

    Thank you ever so so much, u are a very kind lady indeed, and glad you liked my music, i dont sing so doing my music instrumentally is expressing my voice this way i guess, glad u liked it. I must say u have a elegant and flavoursome voice i really like it, and you are a stunning looking lady too wow xxx

  • Raja MyOwnSwagg Perry



  • Pierre Lemieux

    the ones at Venice beach are on my webpage www.pierrelemieuxmusic.com look for the links, they are cover songs of Jim Morrison and the Doors...dressed in vintage 60's Rock and Roll Harley- Davidson leather...check them out...yeah,Sonny wanna to do his song with the same chord as his song "Your mama is a Cougar" but i improvised the intro...as it has to sound weird because we are Weirdo Moment remember?...lol can't wait for the video shoot next month in Seattle WA,He may have sold his song "Cougar" to the band LMFAO as they want to sing it he told me...but i think Eminem wanna do it in his next tour with Sonny...hopefully i'll egt to play live with them...wouldn't it be awesome to tour the world?  i am ready for it...I looking to rent a 1000 seat Baseball stadium here in Vancouver...Hip Hop event, yeah let's skype sometimes maybe on sunday i am 3 hour earlier...do you wanna rap on my "like a star" song...i wanna hear it, You write the lyrics as you wish...ad lib...i wanna hear this...it's so cool to be able to do any style...until you find the Niche market...French version of your songs would be a great combination..you'll see...Ciao Miss Tivvy !

  • Tivoli Skye

    ON Lady bug chit chat all week :) you can win 25.00 !

  • Pierre Lemieux

    Congratulations to you Miss Tivvy, you are the #1 of today 's top chart...wow, are you happy now? That mean that no one is better than you...best ever...You French Version of Break Me is coming along working on it at night...soon you'll be #1 in the world chart...you'll see you will make it happen...you are a go getter...that's rare nowadays...Ciao!

  • Bad Boy(king)

    you have a very lovely voice,hope tht you liked my song to

  • Pierre Lemieux

    you girls are so nice...keep up with the good work...you are #1.because You rock... you have the best voice (i think) on Indie music channel. all the other ones sounds kind of like  Deja Vu style and vocals...while you are Super Original...in your style of songs and vocals, your lyrics writing are brilliant... that's what the public wants...songs that talks about their lives...Spot on Tiv...you have what it takes...i believe in you at 100%...you can do it...Ciao! Pierre

  • Bad Boy(king)

    Thanx a lot tivoli,I'm glad you liked it,i"ll upload the other songs tomorrow cos they are at home,i rap about what i pass through in life or what i have been through,your opinion matters to me,but you know what baby gal,we have to stay true to our-self,n thts the only way i know how to rap..but i blv that we will meet soon

  • country moss


  • Alan Pettifer

    Thanks, it sounds like you're in the groove, Tivoli; the future should be bright. Take Care, Al

  • Tracey F.A. Mustaca

     Hey Tivoli  you are doing great , so proud of you-  on the  top 10 for so many weeks even though we don't have a lot of people in  your group (LOL:) you are still on it!

      Good for you honey!

      Love  Mom !

  • Blabpipe

    Glad to hear you're doing well - you totally deserve it!! -Blab

  • Pierre Lemieux

    Busy working my butt offs...lol. in Sunny British California. What are you recording today?...it smells like another smash hit is cooking up...i love your music very much...what is your new song gonna be  about? 

  • Pierre Lemieux

    Yep, that will be a very nice song done as a duet...love songs are awesome...i have just learned "And i love her" from the Beatles...with the guitar...so beautiful.and pure about loving...i always said that...When you make a friend with someone you are giving yourself a gift...

  • Dianne Meinke

    Tivoli is heading for the skye;))) Youve been busy girl...beautiful pictures & music my friend. big hugs...see you at the Grammies soon enough♥♥♥ Your friend & fan, Dianne♥.

  • Rajan Singhal

    Thanks for this lovely comment i really like it.<3,.Ya definitely we will meat one day....rj.rajan15@gmail.com my ID,,it's my pleasure to see you in Facebook friends list..you are so pretty..

  • Blabpipe

    Hey thanks!! Hope everything's going well!!

  • Raylene Waye

    lovely work here Tivoli! thanks for stopping by.. sorry i took so long to get back to you... have a great week!

  • Raylene Waye

    thanks again Tivoli :) you've really got some great songs here! all the best 

  • Tivoli Skye

     Thankful to  all who supported me when I received the  "Do the Right thing award" last week. Thank you to YNN, channel 10 and Democrat and Chronicle for beign there for all of us that  received  Awards.  Thank you to  all of the  donators that support the  POlice departments  " Do the Right thing awards.:)

      Also thank you to Paul Refici, Paula Cummings  the entire staff of The Childrens Mental Health coalition of WNY inc. and Kaitlin Monte 2011  Miss NY, at the Hillside Conference center and all the parents, kids and  educators who waited in line to  speak with me &  have me sign their cd's.  

    Swat Kids, Bob Zinck,  who promoted  Stand up and stand in  held at the Highland bowl w/ Senator Robach and Maggie Brooks  Couty Executive. 

     Working on trying to  get things done for senior high  my new job at OPa! Greek Food,  drivers ed, and  my newsongs for "Day Dreamer" :)

     Make it a great day!

      Tivoli Skye <3

  • Tivoli Skye

    Thank you to  Donald Strachan of  Generate Radio Scotland  for his continued support and interest in me and my music, Peter Otto  stars 2 morrow  of Germany, Chris of Cuillin FM,  Coral Rose radio for their anti bullying support and Andrew Skelton, Demeliaa Denton ,  Stars tomorrow Jeffrey  long,  Statrs of tomorrow  Jase Kerr, aiden NOlan, DC  hathaway for love featuring my music and my videos, as well as Taylor Durling of  DSR radio, WBNY  of Buffalo New York, New station WFMR of Florida,  Mark Stevens of EyeRocks, Justin Jaeger  of Mysitifyed LIve , Leslie Zinck of  LOvin Cup who  made sure she came  and supported me at theAwareds, Miss Kaitlin MOnte of Miss NY Pageant and her mom LInda Monte <3, Mr. Bohrer  scholl choir master and music dept. head for being there for me- My grandparents, My parents, Josh, Karen Hein,  Antoinette Fuinta, The Harrells  Ron, Ethan and  Dianne,  MY friend Jenny  of Hillbilliy Dix,  Paul Cummmings of Mental health network, Paul Brown of MIss NY , the chief of police in Rochester NY. I want to tthank Ron Hitchcock , Mark Bader, Willy O'Riley,  Christopher Ewing, fo rtheir support and hopefully we will get somewhere and  we will all benefit in some way - my Mom for her constant support of me through thick and thin- Uncle Jeremy  who has advocated for us,  and so much more - if I didn't mention you - I am sorry  you all count to me-to be thankful to you for whatever you have done .   THANK YOU!! Love Tivoli <3    

  • Tivoli Skye

     Thank you to Gino Goss, Ray Ramone, Viktoria Tocca, Shirley, Pierre Lemieux, Paul Heisler, Jonathan Pharr, squeeler Jake, Rater Bug, Demelia Denton, Diane Meineke who I have yet to meet and is from here :)  for your kindness and support.  And happy to have so many new friends here as well.  Keep the music alive-its a healing beautiful thing <3

     Thanks to you all ,

       Tivoli Skye<3  

  • Tivoli Skye

    Please go to my facebook and add me to your interests. Do the same and ask others to add to yours :)

     Best, Tivolli Skye

  • Judith Miller Band

    Things have been sooo crazy here we have 4 new venues and a couple of new regulars and I have not had time to turn around....I see you are busy and "cooking"...you go girl and have fun and play on...hugs

  • Judith Miller Band

    hey girl....hope to see ya in LA...I have to rearrange some gigs to make it work....so we'll see....husg

  • Judith Miller Band

    hey Kiddo...yeah I'm coming out...hope to Cya...hugs

  • Judith Miller Band

    we'll be staying at the Best Western, but I would love to CYa...we'lll be in Sat afternoon...hugs

  • Judith Miller Band

    look forward to it...hugs

  • Rich Nakatsu

    Hey Tivoli, congratulations! Good to see you last night.

    Great seeing you again! Congrats!

  • The Honorifics

    We loved meeting you too! You are so upbeat and totally rock!!! We look forward to seeing the picture and we hope to see you again in the near future.

    Have a musically magical day,

    The Honorifics

  • The Honorifics

    Being featured in Indie Rock Magazine was an honor! We may be getting a follow up feature in the June edition. We will let you know!

    Your friends,

    The Honorifics

  • Viktoria Tocca

    Thank you so much! You did so well this year too, congratulations!
    Yes, let's catch up soon! <3 <3 <3