Tess Cardinale


Henderson, NV

United States

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Music Fan
Artist's or Band's Name
C-Boyz Starz
City & State
united states
Music Genre(s):

Comment Wall:

  • Tess Cardinale

    Don't forget to check out the C-Boyz Starz latest song "Our Time Together" only on Indie Music Channel.  Thanks :)

  • B-rad Stone

    Thanks For Becoming A Friend Tess :)  One of The Things I Do Is Free Promo For Bands , But I Only Have Time To Help Maybe 5 At The Most , In Fact One I Help Made Top Awards In The Indie Music Channel Awards This Year! Noise From The Basement Are My Friends , In Fact They Sent Me Here :) I Help Wendy Starland , She discovered and helped launch LADY GAGA! :) I Help Chloe Jordache, Hillary Howard Band , Bruce Magic, and Noise From The Basement , But I Will Listen To C-Boyz Starz:) Brad Or B-rad Stone! Basement Rocks ! band... Just Getting Use To This Site WE Have Like 3,000 Fans On   http://www.reverbnation.com/basementrocks were #14 Out Of About 800 bands locally been as high as # 7 on the local Charts :)