I was born in the back woods in a small house, in East Texas. started playing a little guitar when i was 16. really got interested in music about 7 years ago, i play harmonica in a cowboy church band.Back in the woods where i was born our little house had holes in the walls just one piece of lumber nailed on 2x4's unpainted never a rotton board, in the summer we would get a bucket of rags and set them on fire maybe add a dried cow chip and walk thru the house and that would run the mosquitoes off.
Crisis Mr. Swagger
Hi Charles, love your delivery. I'm listening to 'This is Home.' Good to hear some well rooted country. Well done
Mar 21, 2012
Dedoceo Habi
Let me know when you want to do a video: dkiproductions.com
Mar 27, 2012