Elizabeth Butler was that kid...the one locked away in her Savannah, Georgia bedroom as a teenager, poring over the liner notes of albums from Cat Stevens, Carole King, and Dan Fogelberg. She took in melody and song construction and lyrics while listening with the volume up way too loud. It is a fitting portrait of an artist that embraces every aspect of a music career with gusto, from writing, recording, collaborating, and navigating the business. This holistic approach to her career shines brightly on Love and Loss and Stuff Like That, her first solo album released in July 2014 and co-produced by Troy Warren, Jr. She describes the album as a scrapbook concept, as if the listener is taking pieces of an artist's journal and absorbing a life story in frames and vignettes. Butler's style is a "smooth gumbo of sound", and the listener can easily pick out country, pop, jazz, and blues influences amidst an undeniably unique sound that is steeped in years of practice and stacks of vinyl. Recording is the chance to let her compositions reflect life as a whole. "It's the juxtaposition of the big romantic swells with those small, intimate moments, and there is a craft to recording that." Ultimately, Love and Loss and Stuff Like That is Elizabeth Butler's message to the world that no one is alone in their journey, and whether it be finding love, navigating through a loss, or simply driving down the highway with the radio turned up, Butler is a willing and discerning companion.
-Jana Pochop for Social Thinkery.com
Greetings Elizabeth.. just wanted to introduce myself.. my name is Anastasia Lee, a classical crossover singer.. I really enjoyed Lullaby, got a really nice sound..
Anastasia Lee
Greetings Elizabeth.. just wanted to introduce myself.. my name is Anastasia Lee, a classical crossover singer.. I really enjoyed Lullaby, got a really nice sound..
Sincerely, ~Anastasia~
Apr 10, 2016
Ameera York
May 10, 2018