Dwayne Ferris


Mill Cove, NB


Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Artist
Artist's or Band's Name
Dwayne Ferris
City & State
Mill Cove, NB
Music Genre(s):
I got my love of yodeling and country music listening to my dad sing old Wilf Carter songs. It wasn't until my dad passed away that I started writing songs. I am just a singer/songwriter who enjoys writing songs from my heart and singing them to the audience whether it be 1 or 1000. I have been told my songs are very good but I normally don't listen to myself. Really enjoy taking people down memory lane and seeing their smiles. Some would call me old time country but that is what my fans like and they are the most important. You could write the best song in the world and sing it with your heart and soul but if no one hears it what good is it.

Comment Wall:

  • Dwayne Ferris

    Well I certainly was surprised to get my songs nominated and got an even bigger surprise to .find out that I had won the Country song demo.  I write a lot of songs and really enjoy singing them at shows I put on.  The old time country ones that I write takes the folks that come out to see right down memory lane and it is nice to see their smiles.