Pearl Handled Revolver



United Kingdom

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Pearl Handled Revolver
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Pearl Handled Revolver have the Blues. Not the slow, mournful Blues sat on a porch bemoaning hard luck, bad signs and ill fated liaisons at cross roads. Nor the 12 bars hammered into mediocrity and engrained like spilled beer and nicotine into the carpets of pubs up and down the country. No. Pearl Handled Revolver peddle Blues that gatecrash your head and your heart and won't leave until you've abandoned all your inhibitions, sweated out the bad times, re-discovered the wild eyed stare of those utterly in the moment and danced, not because you wanted to, but because you had to. The Blues isn't about history, safety, tradition and convention. It permeates everything. It's primal, visceral, raw and dirty and you WILL be moved.

Comment Wall:

  • Pearl Handled Revolver

    Pearl Handled Revolver's new album Colossus is available to download from today on iTunes and Amazon for download and CD