Margret Avery


New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

City & State
New York City, NY
Music Genre(s):
jazz / blues
While in Paris some years ago Margret had the pleasure of singing with Duke Jordan in an impromptu performance and she has graced the stages in New York while having Lee Ryan tell his listeners on WBAI that “Margret Avery’s musicality includes a good voice, breath control for a nice long line and a sense of rhythm…… a fine singer with her own smart, funny style (another proof that the sexiest part of the body is still the brain). The icing on this tasty cake is that Avery obviously loves entertaining us!” In 2002 Margret released her first CD which is a combination of original material as well as blues and jazz ballads. Many find her interpretations to be soulful.... laced with her individual phrasing in each song. You can check out her site at ....’A Place That’s Make Believe’ certainly does relocate listener’s minds from the everyday world for a little while. One could argue whether or not it’s a make believe place to which the listener is transported, but what’s not in question is the power of Margret Avery’s distinctive voice. The balladeer’s smooth, flowing, powerful tones are in themselves a rich listening experience. Add to that gorgeous jazz-blues based instrumentation and it’s a winning, goosebump-inducing combination. ‘A Place That’s Make Believe’ puts Avery’s sultry, alluring vocals on full display. Her signature vocal personality glows from a voice that is as smooth as fine liqueur and equally as intoxicating. It’s a slow but passionate song, drenched in melody and awash in atmosphere. Avery’s stunning performance on ‘A Place That’s Make Believe’ conjures a rainbow of emotional reactions : love, regret, sadness, melancholy and more. Shaun Moser/ A&R Select

Comment Wall:

  • SharBaby Newport

    Margaret,   You  have a Beautiful  Voice!!!!!!   Your  Expression and Lyrics are dynmite!!!!!!   Keep On Sister!!!!!




  • Ray Hardison

    I used to play with Waylon's brother Tommy and knew Waylon pretty good and I thought Jessi Colter was he prettist girl alive and I see your picture and it's like I looking at Jessi and you can sing like hell you WOWED me...Take care
  • Charles Joseph Moix

    You have a great sounding voice!!!!!