Christopher Ewing

Los Angeles, CA

United States

Profile Information:

I am an:
Indie Music Fan
Indie Music Fan's Name
Christopher Ewing
City & State
Hollywood, California
Music Genre(s):
Indie Everything!
President/Founder of Indie Music Channel, President/Founder of Metro Media Group, Inc., Host of "Indie Music Cafe" TV show


Comment Wall:

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  • Susan Cabral

    Hello, Christopher!!! I am SO excited and HONORED to now be on the INDIE MUSIC CHANNEL!!! Thank you so very much!!! Sending LOVE from Boston, to you and to ALL!!! Susan...

  • Karin Thyr Eriksson

    Thanks so much glad you like our music! I will upload more shortly. We are on facebook as well please find us there. 

    /Karin and Göran

  • taata ATP

    hello,  thanks so much for airing our song on your "The Radio Cafe ReverbNation Indie Music Countdown"! we feel SO honored!! love from far east, Tokyo, taata & mug

  • Tania Nicholson


    I just wanted to thank you for choosing to use one of my songs for the holiday special!  My hope is it will reach a couple people and bring the true meaning of Christmas to their hearts.  It was a genuine pleasure getting to talk with you and I feel quite honored.  God bless you in all of the work you do.  Your concern and caring for others is so precious.  Merry Christmas! - Tania Nicholson

  • Miss Eba

    Hello Christopher,

    This is a special thank from Paris for everything that you do for us : Indies Artists!!! I am very honored and happy to be a part of this Channel, and I'm so glad that you love my new song "Beautiful Hope" :)

    Thanks again...

    Happy Holidays!!!

    Love Bless You :)

  • Sound of Reign

    LOL! Hey Christopher! It's been a tough year for us but we're getting back into the studio in a couple of months to record some new stuff. Hopefully we'll have a new single for you to spin soon. Thanks for all the support!

  • Full Net

    Hey! Thanks for the comment. We are happy that you dig us. Best wishes from the three of us. 

  • BlackDogHat

    Hi Christopher, thanks for being a new pal here. Cheers, John - BlackDogHat i London :-)

  • Sorry Mamma - Piluca Calero

    I just upload our new video 'Daemon inside', that is the first song in advance of our future second work. I jope you have 4 minutes to see it and tell me your opinion back. We need all the help you give us!!!

    Happy New Year and regards from Spain


  • AlienHaus Records

    Thanks for developing the All Indie Channel and The Radio Cafe. Both offer great platforms for helping indie artists launch their careers. Great and exciting things are bound to come from all of your hard work and efforts. All the best with everything and let us know if we can help in anyway. Please keep an eye out for MERU MATU's new "Supership" album that will be released on January 10th. "Turn My Pages" is the single from that album.

  • Sara Skinner

    Thanks so much, I appreciate the chance to get on your countdown! you rock!

  • Poppy Jones

    Thanks so much!

  • Marcus Cole

    from one Detroiter to another, thank you bro!

  • Warning Birds

    Gday Christopher,

    Thanks for letting us be a part of your site :) Hopefully we'll be able to bring a bit more to the musical table! Videos and releases on the way, we'll upload them as soon as. We hope everything is going?

    Warning Birds

  • Derek Hinckley

    Thanks so much Christopher!  We're really excited to be on the Countdown!

  • Joyce Spencer

    Hi Christopher, thanks for the friendship!

  • Will Kruger

    Thanks Christopher I appreciate it.

  • David Ketelaar

    Thanks for enjoying my music!!!  I have two more great songs to upload still..



    Thank you :) I truly appreciate it!


  • Judith Miller Band

    thanks for peepin' my profile..hugs form Texas

  • Cling

    Thank you

    Cling xx

  • Judith Miller Band

    Thanks so much and thanks for giving us a spot here....hugs for all you and your staff do to help us

  • spellbounddazzle

    Thanks for your comment CHistopher!!!! Here is the link to our video, please check it out. ;-)))

  • Aretha Henry

    Thanks! :)


    Thanks for your support Christopher! "Channeling" #4 on  peace, Transoniq JOhnny

  • Shade Law

    Thank you for your kind support and help through this process of participation in your Annual Film-Video Music contest :0)

  • Jada Facer

    Thnx so much Christopher! :)

  • Crisis Mr. Swagger

    Hi Chris,
    Thanks for the opportunity. You rock!!!
    Please remember to also join me on Facebook. Your presence would mean much. Thanks

    C.R.I.$.I.$. aka Mr. Swagger

    Promote Your Page Too

  • Michael Lee

    Thanks for the kind words, Christopher...and thanks for supporting Indie Music! You ROCK! \m/


  • Chris A. Copeland

    Thank you for the friend support, keep in touch, looking forward to bring more music to Indie Channel.

  • Greg Caldwell

    Christopher, thanks so much for your kind words and your support!

    This is a great service that you are performing for the Indie Music industry!

    I appreciate being here and being a part of this music channel!  

    Greg Caldwell

  • Yohann Doré

    Thank You Christopher, It means a lot... we're the only Rockers here , trying to do our thing.

    I really appreciate the feedback...

  • Katia Nicole

    Thanks Christopher!! I love to perform and sing for all who support me!!



  • Tivoli Skye

    wow very cool things you are  doing. Hope to see you again soon :) Tivoli Skye <3

  • Lindsay Alward

    Very grateful for all you are doing for artists everywhere & we're looking into the possibility of attending the awards with you all next month!  It would be awesome---Thanks Linds 

  • Cling

    Hi thanks for adding us

    Like us on facebook and we will do the same for you

    Best wishes

    CLING xx

  • Matt Harlan

    Thanks for listening!

  • Ronald Sillito

            Hi Christopher, This is Ron Sillito, One of Your Indie Artists From Canada.. I Wanted to Mention, That I'm Sorry to Say, I Won't be able to Come down to Hollywood, For the Award Ceremony, On April 29th...>

             I Am Sooo Disappointed, I Wanted to be There, In Case I Was Presented With One of the Awards..I Am Sooo Disappointed, Because I'm Scheduled For Surgery on a Bad Foot, On the 25th..I've Had to Wait for this For About 9 Months, So I Really Don't Want to Have to Re-Schedule it..It's Important to Me...

              I Have Talked to Greg Caldwell a Couple Times, He's Nominated in the Same Catagories As Myself, and He Said He Would Relay This Message to Everybody There, And If I Do Win One...Please Take Care Of Things For Me..>

               Thank-You Very Much Christopher, For Everything, And Sincerly Wish I Could Be There...Have a GREAT Time, and We'll Talk Again...

                           Sincerely...Ron Sillito..>     



  • Jeremy Manjorin

    Hi Christopher,

    Thanks for the like. Your website is fantastic and growing bigger all the time. Congratulations! You're doing some great things for indie artists! I'm sorry I domnt think i can make it to LA for the awards ceremony...but I am so thrilled to be nominated for one!! I was able to publicize and I hope tons of people checked out your site bc of it. Keep doing what you're doing and know that you're helping thousands of artists across the world.

    Please keep me in mind for any shows you may schedule/organize in the northeast.

    Thanks again,

    Jeremy Manjorin

    Blessings Christopher,

    What a great honor it is to be nominated for several Indie Channel Music Awards. I really appreciate all that you are doing for Independent artist all over and it doesn't go unnoticed! "AWESOME" I will be there there in Hollywood on the 29th to participate in the ceremony! I want to be there to personally accept the award just in case i do win! To me, this means as much as the "GRAMMY'S" and you are doing it up "BIG" just like the Grammy Awards! Continue this great work and appreciation for the music industry. "To God Be The Glory" for all that he is doing through you my friend...

    I will post this super event on facebook!

    Much Love, (For His Kingdom) Garry Moore. 

  • Stevie Hawkins

    Hello Christopher,

    There are many great independent artists here on the Indie Music Channel, and I wish them all the best of continued success. Thank you for providing such a great medium for the global independent artists movement to connect, to advance, and to be recognized not only by the music industry, yet, to help us grow an international fan base. I am so grateful to God, to you, and the judges for the blessing and honor of being nominated for the Indie Music Channel awards this year. And regardless of the outcome, we are all winners here on the Indie Music Channel. Looking very forward to the pleasure of meeting you and the artists at the awards event. See you then!

    Stevie Hawkins

  • Elvis Lloyd Carden

    Hi Christopher been some time now but steel at this music got a new one going out called "SCHOOL BUS DRIVER" got a demo back from Paramount in Nashville like to have been at the awards but I'm here in Atlanta doing the touch up on songs Thanks For what you have done for Indies Musically Elvis Lloyd Carden

  • Zana Messia

    Thank you Christopher! I am so excited about the awards show in April!! Can't wait to meet you and all the amazing talent here. 

    Indie Music Channel is off the hook!! 

    Zana Messia

  • Lindsay Alward

    Hello Christopher!

    Besides being by far the most amazing and exciting thing that's happening on the web (music wise) it's so well organized that coming from this far away makes us feel welcomed already!

    Rsvp'd that I would attend the Gower Studios Saturday. 

    Would love to perform but will be unable to bring my guitar on the plane.  I do have a backtrack coming for Sail Away.  So if I could lend a guitar from someone would love to participate....otherwise, happy to just be part of it.

    Thanks Linds 

  • Adrienne Frailey

    Thank you very much! :)

  • Stevie Hawkins

    Hello Christopher,

    Congratulations for being chosen as a judge for the 39th Annual Daytime Emmy Awards. That is quite an honor. People who give, and who do good things, receive in the same light. You are one of those people. Thank you for sharing the news. Wishes for nothing but the best for you in life, and your career.


    Stevie Hawkins

  • Margo Thunder

    Thanks christopher, and thanks for welcoming me on my page.
    indie music channel is great!!!!!
  • jill Alexander

    thank you :)

  • Shade Law

    Hi Christopher ~EnJoY~ YELP REVIEW